Chapter 6 - White Flag

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A/N: Another update in Bios! Go check it out before reading this chapter!


Y/N's Perspective
Tuesday, 14/07/2287
Concord, Massachusetts, USA

"Y/N, have I got wings on my back?" She asked, clutching her side with a scowl on her face.

"No ma'am-" I said instinctively, looking up at her with a semi-sick feeling in my gut. The way she loomed over me was threatening, and it made me shiver a little.

"That's right, because I'm not your fairy-fucking-godmother!" She yelled, grabbing my shirt and pulling me to my feet by my collar. "I've lost two of my guys today already, so I mean when I say the Minutemen aren't ending in Concord." Naomi declared as we all got into position, waiting for the raiders to come to us.

Claire and I ran into the ruined remains of a corner store to prepare for the next wave of raiders, sitting by the windows with our assault rifles at the ready.

"Pretty packed first day with us, huh?" Claire asked with a smile, looking at me.

I chuckled a little, returning the smile. "I've had worse, but at least it gives me a chance to show you lot I'm no pushover."

"Alright-" She said, starting to crawl towards me. "Show me then~"

I scooted back a little bit in surprise, but she quickly stopped me by putting her paw on my chest. "C-Claire, I really don't think this is the-"

She moved so she was over me, with one paw next to my head and the other paw holding her finger gently over my mouth. "You really think you could just show up and waltz around here like you're nothing special?"

"Would it be wrong of me to say yes...?" I asked cautiously, trying to move only to be stopped by Claire pinning my arms at my sides and planting herself on my pelvis.

"This world hasn't seen any humans for a long time, so you'd be a fool to think I wouldn't make sure I kept you to myself~" She growled in a seductive manner, and I'd be lying if I said that how she said it didn't turn me on a little.

I was about to respond when the street exploded with gunfire, meaning the raiders' cavalry had arrived. Claire rolled her eyes and leaned down, locking our lips together for a brief moment. "We'll be finishing this later~" She said as she got off me, peeking out one of the broken windows and laying fire on the incoming forces.

'Okay then... note to self: Claire's thirsty away from prying eyes...' I got up with a grunt and smashed the butt of my rifle into the remains of the window next to Claire's and laying a magazine into the street as well. I noticed a bear with an LMG aimed at us and quickly grabbed Claire, pulling her away from the window and down to the floor as he tore bullets through the house.

I started crawling towards a set of stairs at the back of the building and signalled for Claire to follow, knowing we could get a few shots on the bear from the second story. We got up there and I took the leading position, aiming for the bear and taking him out while Claire spotted me, making sure nobody was lining me up to send to heaven.

She yanked me backwards just as a sniper shot went off, grazing the windowsill I was at in the exact spot I was just a second before. Claire threw me to the side and stepped into the window, unleashing an entire magazine of bullets in the direction of a white shirt at least 50 metres away.

The person wearing it dropped to the floor and Claire turned her attention back to me, genuine worry on her face. "Are you alright?" She asked as I got to my feet, the gunfire outside calming down a bit.

I rubbed my head and stumbled to the side, catching the wall before I could fall over. "Y-yeah, I'll be alright..." I said, wincing as I stepped away from the wall and started to make my way back down the stairs.

Claire took my right arm and pulled it around to her shoulder to help me walk, and after the slow trip down the breaking stairs we emerged in the street. Swift stood at the corner next to the building we had exited out of, Clover and Jason were on the opposite side of the road to us and Kat and Naomi were in the middle.

"Everyone okay?" Kat asked, looking around at us as we sorted ourselves out. We all nodded, and at this sight Naomi let out a relieved sigh.

"Ma'am, if I may- I don't think Concord is the best place to be settling-" Jason said, stepping forward.

Naomi looked at him with a cold stare for a few seconds before nodding. "I agree. It's too easy for Raiders to attack us here."

"Maybe you could come make a home out of Sanctuary?" Swift suggested, looking towards Kat for approval, who nodded. "It needs some cleaning up, sure, but there's plenty of space for everyone."

Naomi went into thought, crossing her arms under her chest and briefly studying me and the other three. "Alright, we're in." She nodded affirmatively, earning a fist pump from Clover and a nod from Jason.

"Someone seems excited about this!" I said, making Clover freeze and look at me.

"Of course I am!" She exclaimed, smiling brightly and innocently at me. "I get to stay in a settlement with a human, that's so cool!"

Jason laughed at Clover's enthusiasm, ruffling her hair and smiling softly. "That's my sis."

"Shall we, then?" Kat asked, looking back up the street to where we arrived at the fight from.

"H-hey!" A voice called out to us from the direction of the ruined church, making everyone freeze where they stood.

We all slowly turned around to see a red-haired fox in a tank top and short shorts limping towards us, clutching a wound on her left side. She was using an Intervention sniper rifle to support herself, and tied to its barrel was a white button-up long sleeve shirt, which had a bloodstain in the same spot the girl was clutching her wound.

Claire quickly raised her rifle to shoot but I pushed it down, shaking my head at her. "White flag... she's surrendering."

"Damn right I am..." The fox said, making her way towards us and stopping a few metres away. "There's something important you need to know - Jessica knows about you." The fox's eyes settled on me, and I pointed to myself in surprise. She nodded. "She wants you for herself. And I don't want to be one of her lackeys anymore."

"You want to... join us?" Kat asked, looking the fox up and down, trying to decide whether to trust her or not.

"I reckon we let 'er join us, Kat." Swift chimed in, smiling at the fox. "The more the merrier, as the saying goes. Besides, we could always use more snipers."

"Point taken..." Kat said, nodding. "You're on. But if you even think about hurting any of us - especially Y/N - you're as good as dead. Got it?" The fox nodded her head. "Good. Now, what's your name hun?"

"Isabella, ma'am." She said, offering a pawshake by extending her right paw out to Kat.

"Great to have you on the team, Izzy. My name's Katherine, but just call me Kat, or Captain if you really want." Kat said welcomingly, shaking her paw before stepping back. "Alright, I guess I should introduce you to the others as well. Those two over there-" She pointed to Claire and I. "Claire and Y/N. That's Swift there-" She pointed to Swift, who smiled and waved at Izzy. "And this one next to me is Naomi. Finally, over there-" Kat finally pointed to the King twins. "Those two are Jason and Clover. You get all that?"

Izzy nodded, smiling at us. "Yep. Y/N, Claire, Swift, Kat, Naomi, Jason, Clover." She repeated, pointing to each of us as she listed us off.

"Good. Now, let's head back to Sanctuary." Kat said, turning on her heel and walking with the rest of us quietly following behind.

A/N: With the Concord fight out of the way, a quarter of Jessica's raiders dead and a thirsty-ass fox with her eyes on Y/N, we finally end this chapter. Been a ride, I reckon, and there's still more to come! Stay tuned!

Burn Bright & Carry On

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