Chapter 9 - The Start Of Something Bigger

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New characters this chapter! Go check them out back in the bios chapter!


Y/N's Perspective
Friday, 15/07/2287
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

"So, with the settlement growing in size and the recent ass-whooping we gave those Lexington raiders, they're gonna be after us pretty soon." Kat said, walking back and forth through my living room, with Claire and I sitting on the couch and Naomi sitting on the recliner on the opposite side of the room to the couch.

"I think what we need is some sort of ranking system or at least roles that give us some sort of specific purpose around here," Claire said, becoming more confident when everyone agreed with her. "Since Y/N is kinda the reason we're all together in this whole Minutemen thing, I think he should be the head of the place. Like, the dude in charge."

"So like a General?" I asked, turning to look at Claire, who nodded in response. "What would that entail?"

"Well, I suppose you'd be in charge of everyone, and you'd be calling a lot of the shots around here. Also leading us into battle, maybe?" Naomi spitballed the few ideas and looked around the room.

"I don't mind the idea of being in charge, since you lot aren't all that rowdy so it'd be pretty chill, but I don't know how I'd go with taking care of everyone that shows up here," I explained, leaning forward in my seat. "I think what we need is some sort of Local Leader. Someone who can listen to any settlers that come in, find out what they need, and get it happening so they're comfortable here."

"Yeah... The more organized we are, the better the settlement is, the happier the settlers are, and the more settlers come! More settlers means more recruits for the Minutemen, and the more Minutemen we have the quicker we can fix this place!" Naomi shot up from her chair, growing more enthusiastic by the second. "I volunteer!" She exclaimed, her paw shooting into the air as if she was raising it to answer a question in primary school. "I couldn't save all those settlers back in Concord, but I can protect them here. That's what counts."

"Well, when it comes down to it, I guess Y/N is the one to decide..." Claire said, making every pair of eyes in the room settle on me. "So, what's it gonna be?"

"Your enthusiasm is... Inspiring, to say the least. You mean well and want to help, so truthfully I see no problem with it." I said, giving a warm smile to Naomi. She squealed in excitement and jumped onto me, wrapping me in a tight hug and repeating thank you over and over, along with licking and kissing my face all over.

Nobody in the room tried to save me from Naomi's affection onslaught, only laughing at my struggles to push her off and calm her down before she touched or did something she shouldn't or would regret. After a few more licks and kisses, she tumbled off me with a laugh.

She suddenly realized what happened and scrambled to her feet, looking away and clearing her throat nervously. "Uhm- thank you, General." She said before promptly leaving the house, not looking back for a second as she sped away.

"Well, that was... Something." I said as I watched her leave through the window, the three of us laughing to ourselves as we watched get hurry off, her tail wagging madly as she did.

"I think we should get to work on some more stuff around here if we're gonna try supporting more people." Kat piped up, stepping away from the window. "Like defences, beds and maybe even some generators?"

"Sounds like a plan, Kat." I gave her a nod and a smile, stepping away from the window with Claire. "Let's get to work. The sooner we get this stuff done, the better."

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now