Chapter 4 - Suiting Up

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Y/N's Perspective
Wednesday, 13/07/2287
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

"Even before the war, this was a wonderful place. I'm sure you'll all find it a great place to call home." I said, giving the trio a smile as we all followed Kat in and each sat down. Me and Claire, who was still holding my hand, sat down on a red two-seater, while Swift sat down in the second single seater.

"Wait, what do you mean 'before the war'?" Swift asked, looking at me inquisitively.

"I used to live here... a long time ago."

"The Great War ended on the 23rd of October 2077, when nukes were dropped worldwide. For that entire October leading up to the end of humanity, Vault-Tech had been visiting every eligible person's home and telling them they were granted access to the vault in the case of 'total atomic annihilation', and since I served in the war I was allowed access."

"You were a soldier?" Kat asked, leaning forward in her chair. I smiled and nodded, thinking back to some of the more fun times my squadmates and I had when we were deployed... the trio's clothes reminded me of them a little bit. We weren't always fighting someone, and whenever we weren't we were playing cards, telling stories or drinking - sometimes a mix of the three, in fact. The combinations always made for a good laugh at a later point.

"I served for four years, and halfway through September, I was sent home under the false accusation that I had armed a land mine in the trenches. So I came home to Sanctuary Hills, and that's when Vault-Tech came chasing after me. I sign a bunch of documents, and by the time the end of the world as I know it comes, I've got an express ticket to 200 plus years of being a popsicle test subject." I sat back in the chair and Claire did the same, leaning on me and placing her free paw on my chest. She was getting a bit touchy, but for now, I didn't mind. The attention was kinda nice, after all.

"So they stick us into cryo pods, telling us that all they're doing is decontaminating us so we can go deeper into the vault, but they never get us out again. At some point, I was woken up and saw a grey male wolf and a female tabby cat in there looking for living human specimens, but they somehow missed me. And now, well... I'm here."

"Wow, that's quite the origin story you got there mate." Swift said, leaning forward in his chair as well. "No wonder Claire's been all over you, you're the whole nine yards!"

Under her fur, Claire's face was plagued with blush. "N- no I'm not-" She defended, taking her paw off my chest but still holding my hand. "I'm just really intrigued by humans! You don't come across one every day, after all."

"Hey, stop teasing her. We do enough of that as is." Kat gave Claire a grin which made her scowl. "That's the origin story of a genuine superhero if you ask me." She said in a chirpy tone.

"No, it's just unfortunate. Just hope this world will treat me as kindly as you guys." I said, knowing I probably couldn't stay under the care of these three. It would make me feel far too guilty, and I'd rather not be a bother to them. "I'll stay here for the night, and move out in the morning."

"What? No, you can't just leave like that!" Claire exclaimed, wrapping herself around my arm. "You just got here!"

"You know that the rest of this world won't treat you like we have, right?" Swift asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I sighed and looked down at Claire, knowing both of the foxes were right.

"So you want me to stay...?" I asked reluctantly, looking between the three. They all nodded, and when I let out a defeated sigh Claire giggled, hugging me. It was a surprise, sure, but I welcomed it.

"If I got rid of you, Claire would kill me." Kat joked, smiling at me as Claire happily nuzzled my chest. "So yes, we do want you to stay. Welcome to the team, Y/N."

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now