Chapter 5 - The Minutemen

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A/N: Just before we start this chapter, wanted to let you all know that the Character Bios chapter has been updated, so before you read I'd advise you go read up on that!


Y/N's Perspective
Thursday, 14/07/2287
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

When Claire and I walked out of my old house we saw Swift and Kat waiting in the street for us, Kat's paw on her hip as a slightly disappointed expression smeared itself onto her face.

"You two have a nice fuck session?" Kat asked as we stopped in front of her and Swift. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, looking down towards the bridge across the river. I heard Claire growl defensively, but Kat just shook it off. "Look, I don't care when or where you come around here, just come to your job on time, okay?"

"Nice uniform, Y/N." Swift said, changing the subject after a moment of awkward silence. "Looks good on 'ya, for being over 200 years old."

"Thanks Swift." I said with a nod and a smile before turning my attention to Kat. "So what's on the agenda today, Cap'n?"

"Well, I've been hearing shots from Concord all morning, so I'm guessing that those dipshit settlers that tried to stay there are under attack from a band of Jessica's whore-ass raider underlings from out in Lexington." Kat said, turning towards the bridge and walking, expecting us to follow. "Because we're half-decent people aroud here and Jessica is an STD-ridden whore, we're gonna head in and clean her squad up. Maybe we'll even get some new allies from this... who knows?"

"Do you guys and the Lexington raiders have some sort of history?" I asked as we made our way into Concord.

"Well, it's 'cause they're raiders. They get by through kidnapping, killing and stealing from the innocent people of the Commonwealth." Kat explained, stepping over a dead cow with two heads.

"Our mission out here is to reunite the Commonwealth and help as many people as we can when they need us." Claire said, taking my hand in her paw as we walked.

"So, you're kinda like Minutemen, then? Helping people at a minute's notice and all that?" I asked, remembering that small detail from my modern history class I took back in Year 9.

"Speaking of helping at a minute's notice-" Swift said as we rounded a corner to see the street outside of the Museum of Independence, and the chaos that was unfolding on it.

We ducked behind a car and examined our side of the battlefield, trying to spot anyone who looked as if they were supposed to be in charge of the settlers.

"Over there!" Claire exclaimed, pointing to a grey wolf in an unbuttoned red shirt, a black v-neck crop top and a pair of panties crouched behind a red pick-up that had been flipped on its side.

Kat and Claire rushed forward while Swift and I laid fire on the other end of the street, wounding a few of the enemy before joining the three behind the truck.

"Who the hell are you guys?" The wolf asked, looking at us four in confusion, her voice laced with hostility. "And how the hell do you have a human?!"

"We're the Minutemen, and we're here to help." I said, nodding at her and peeking over the truck quickly to make sure there was nobody trying to push our position.

"Thank God for that, these raiders just keep coming- bastards won't let up, and I've lost everyone but the King siblings." The wolf said, reloading the Tommy-Gun she held with a grunt. "We need to take the church so Clover can spot us from the bell tower and take the raiders out from a distance, but three people ain't nowhere near enough fire-power."

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now