Chapter 2 - Sole Survivor

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Y/N's Perspective
Friday, 16/02/2277
Vault 111, Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

My eyes cracked open in the freezing cold of the cryo pod as the sound of the computer speaking echoed through the chamber.

"Why does anybody think there'd be any survivors of these things?" A feminine voice I couldn't see asked from the right-hand side of my pod as a blurry, grey figure with what looked like a tail passed my pod.

"Humans are valuable, and judging by the fact that all of them are either ghouls, dead, or frozen in these, there aren't many breathing ones left. For all we know, one of these are alive." A masculine voice, likely coming from whoever walked over to the left of my pod, echoed through the chamber.

'Play dead, I need to play dead....' I thought as another figure crossed my vision. This one was further back than the grey one and was a range of colours. The blurs reminded me of a tabby cat, in fact, but that would be stupid. There's no way a 6 foot tabby cat and a wolf are walking around on their hind legs and talking like humans. That's nonsense.

The grey figure appeared in my window and peered into the pod. I shut my eyes to the point where I could only see very slightly, and from the look that I got of him he did indeed have a snout.

Could it be...?

The computer was re-engaged a moment after and I was frozen again, the question of "what the hell were those things?" fresh in my mind.

10 Years Later

Third Person Perspective
Wednesday, 13/07/2287
Red Rocket Concord, Massachusetts, USA

"God, Kat... when can we leave? There's nothing else here to get, and I'm pretty sure if Swift spends any longer trying to find another desk fan for screws he's gonna lose it." Claire said, standing in the doorway of the garage where Katherine, the squad's captain, was tinkering with her Five Seven at a weapons workbench.

"Yeah, I've searched this place like eight times over and there ain't Jack shit here anymore." Swift walked into the garage as Kat picked her pistol up and holstered it, tossing an adjustable wrench into the air and catching it to entertain himself.

"Yeah, fine, we'll leave. We can set up a camp in Sanctuary, and maybe if it's good there we'll end up staying." Kat turned to the garage door and exited through it. The other two followed suit and the trio made their way down the road, over the worn bridge and into the residence known as Sanctuary.

Y/N's Perspective

A ringing filled my ears as my cryo pod defrosted once more, sending me into a coughing fit that had me gasping for air. Outside, an alarm went off and the computer said something about an error in the cryogenic array as the door to my pod opened.

I tumbled out onto the hard concrete floor of the vault and took a moment to catch my breath. After my body stopped shivering and my breathing calmed down I got to my feet, looking up and down the room. It was completely deserted, not a soul in sight. It didn't seem like there was one here for a long time, in fact.

I peered into every single pod in the room, only to find every other person admitted into the vault was dead.

"I'm the sole survivor, aren't I...?" I asked, standing in the middle of the room. "I need to get out of here."

I looked towards the door I had first entered the room in, knowing the way out was over there somewhere. 'I just hope whatever was here the last time I was awake didn't decide to hang around...'

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now