Chapter 7 - The Commonwealth's Sanctuary

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Y/N's Perspective
Thursday, 14/07/2287
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

"So, how'd you manage to get in with a lot like these guys?" Isabella asked as we journeyed back towards Sanctuary.

"Well, I got frozen in a cryo pod back before the bombs fell, and I thawed out yesterday. I came down here, to my home, to find all this, Claire, Kat and Red. Next thing I know, I'm told I'm probably one of the last humans on the planet." I explained, looking at Claire and smiling when I mentioned her. She was walking with Izzy and I at the back, her arm wrapped around mine and holding my hand with her paw.

"Not a bad backstory, Y/N." She said, patting me on the shoulder as we stepped onto the bridge. "You know you'll be highly sought-after around here, right? A lot of the girls wanna know what humans were all about, and a lot of the boys don't want them to do that so they don't lose 'em for a no-fur."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean...?" I asked, looking at Izzy with a puzzled look. She was about to answer when Jason dropped back, entering into the conversation.

"It means the girls will wanna fuck you when they find you, and the guys will wanna kill you the second they find you." He said flatly, looking at me with a bored expression. "Though I wouldn't worry if I were you. You've got all of us protecting you, and you're not that bad a fighter either."

"Thanks Jason, I guess..." I scratched the back of my head and gave him a small smile, to which he shrugged to and sped up, going back to walking with Clover.

We arrived at the house with all the equipment outside of it and Kat stopped, turning to the group and looking out at the 7 heads before her.

"Alright, this place has a lot of stuff - space, resources, natural protection - but what it doesn't have are beds, food and clean drinking water." She announced, seemingly taking this somewhere. "Some of the walls for the buildings also need to be patched up, so I want you all to split off in teams of 2 to find materials and get some of that stuff done so we can sit down and relax for a bit."

"Alright. Jason, you're with me. Naomi, you're with Clover. Swift, you're with Izzy. Claire, you're with Y/N." Kat announced as we paired up, Claire smirking at me and pulling me a little closer to her when Kat called for us two to pair up. "Jason and I will get started on patching up some of the walls of these houses with the ruined buildings that are around, and you guys can decide what jobs you'd like to take amongst yourselves."

We all nodded in agreement as Kat and Jason left towards one of the broken houses, pulling parts away from them and lugging them up and down the street.

"Alright, who wants to do what jobs?" Naomi asked as we all turned to each other, making me think for a moment.

"Claire and I can handle beds." I announced, turning to Claire to see her reaction. She gave me a thumbs up and a smile, then turned it to Naomi so she knew.

"Swift and I can handle the water, if it's good with you." Izzy said, wrapping a bandage around her waist to stop her bullet graze wound from bleeding any further.

"Alright, it's decided. Claire and Y/N are on beds, Izzy and Swift are on water, and Clover and I are on food." Everyone nodded in agreement, stepping away with their respective job partners. "Let's go get this shit done, alright?"

With that, we all fanned out to start our jobs. Claire and I went from house to house pulling fabric and stuffing out of various objects like ruined sofas, stuffed toys and broken mattresses. After we hit a few houses, we stopped at mine to begin sewing and creating a few mattresses for us to sleep on. After going through the supplies we had grabbed from the wrecked houses we managed to make three mattresses, and with just a bit more fabric and stuffing we'd have four.

The Furry Fallout: Book 1 - The World After The War (Male Reader x Furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now