Chapter 10 - Man Of Steel

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Y/N's Perspective
Friday, 07/15/2287
Sanctuary Hills, Massachusetts, USA

"Now that we've all exchanged greetings, I've got some worrying news," Naomi announced as the crowd went silent, with Katherine and I standing next to her. "Okay, thank you. Amelia has notified me that the raiders back at Lexington are preparing to attack us. Right now, we're not ready to fend off an attack from them."

"Y/N and Kat have decided that we need to keep the fight as far away from Sanctuary as possible, so we've decided to assemble a small force to send into Concord and retrieve some of that pre-war power armour... one of the unmodified suits."

"Amelia's informed us that there's a suit of the stuff on the roof of the Museum of Freedom in Concord, where the crashed Vertibird is. We retrieve it, then take the fight to them." Kat said, looking over the crowd to decide who to take on the mission. "With all that said, I'd like the twins to accompany us. Clover, Jason - let's move."

Clover and Jason separated from the crowd as Kat and I left Naomi to issue work to the others, the four of us starting towards Concord to get the power armour.

"Let's just hope we don't run into resistance early..." Clover muttered as we passed the red rocket, the entire town in front of us silent. I could see the museum's roof and the vertibird from here, but I knew getting it working would be a pain. It likely doesn't have a fusion core in it, and even if it did it was likely that the thing was burned out or destroyed in the machine.

A short walk later...

The squad, with me in the front of the pack, carefully stepped into the museum, knowing that if there was anything in there it would hear us and probably attack if it saw fit. We slowly crept upstairs, taking the long but safe way through the building so none of us got injured before the fight.

Before long, we arrived at the manager's office on the third floor, where Amelia said some information on the place might have been left behind by the Minutemen of the past. We searched every drawer, file and inch of floor in the room... when we came up empty, nobody was happy.

"God damn it... all this work and not a speck of information. Not even about how far my people got, or a guarantee that they were even alive still!" I kicked a wooden office chair from the desk and sat on it, unaware of the piece of paper that had detached itself from the bottom and floated to the floor.

"Y/N...?" Clover was the first to notice the paper, walking over and crouching down to pick it up. She glossed over it quickly, her eyes widening at the contents.

"What?" I asked, leaning forward in the chair as she finished reading the paper." What's on it, Clover?"

"I think you should see for yourself." Clover responded, holding the piece of paper out for me to take. I grabbed it cautiously and started reading it.

It's been less than a week since we got here and those furball raiders from Lexington are already back to attacking us. Preston Garvey's low on ammo, Jun and Marcy haven't stopped bickering about tagging along since we arrived and Mama Murphy's been telling us she can use the sight to help us get out of this situation. We tried calling for help from other Minutemen with our last flare, but like back in Lexington and Quincy, nobody came.

All we need to do is get out of this shithole and get to Cambridge. Some wandering traders told us that we could go there to get help from someplace called the 'Institute', who are looking for human survivors. If only I could hack that terminal down in the basement, then I could use that fusion core to power the T-45 on the roof, rip the minigun right off that vertibird and show those raiders what it is that us Minutemen do. Then we could leave and we'd all be okay.

But I can't, so I'll do what I can to defend this place with Garvey and die a heroic death if need be.


I stared down at the note in quiet disbelief, having a small amount of trouble grasping the fact that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't the last human left in this wasteland.

"Y/N? You good?" Jason asked, snapping me out of my mini trance and bringing me back to the room. I shook my head to wake myself up and pocketed the note, standing up.

"Yeah, just... thinking about something." I started walking back towards the door,  squeezing past Kat and pulling the door open.

"Hey, what are you doing? What's going on?" Kat asked, catching my wrist as I was halfway out the door.

"There's a fusion core down in the basement behind a security gate." I said, breaking from her grasp and heading for the stairs where the floor was caved in, allowing access to the basement. The others followed quietly, reaching the door to see me already working on picking the lock on the gate with a screwdriver and bobby pin.

"Bingo." I whispered as the lock clicked open and I pulled the gate open, stepping into the cage and turning the core's station off before pulling it out and holding up the fusion core to the others.

Kat was impressed with my work, nodding with her arms folded under her breasts. Jason was slightly surprised but also impressed and Clover was speechless, a pure look of amazement on her face as a slight red tint made itself visible through the fur on her cheeks.

"Now, I believe it's time to go teach some raiders a lesson, don't you?" Kat asked with a grin. We all nodded and started moving, with me heading to the roof for the T-45 and minigun while the other three headed for the front doors.

When I got there, I jammed the fusion core into the back of the armour and cranked the wheel on it, making the thing open up. I jumped inside and it closed once more, the visor in it flickering on and showing me an array of stuff - my current health levels, my current rads, the armour condition, and a compass to help me with direction.

"Oh, it feels nice to be back in one of these..." I smiled as I started to walk around, getting a feel for the suit before I stepped into the vertibird and laid eyes upon the minigun, sitting peacefully on its holder. I grabbed it with both hands and yanked hard, the beast of a gun detaching from the vertibird easily. I ripped open the ammo boxes sitting in the vertibird to retrieve extra ammo, then looked out over Concord with a cold stare.

I walked to the edge of the roof and looked down at the floor before shrugging and stepping off it, dropping three floors down and slamming into the ground, causing it to tremor beneath me. I smirked to myself, turning to the door and seeing the other three exiting the building.

"Shall we?" I asked, nodding towards the direction of Lexington.

"We shall," Kat said, giving me a nod. "Lead the way, General."

A/N: Power armour, power armour, power armour! I've been waiting for this since I started writing this story, this is gonna be absolutely epic! See you all next chapter!

Burn Bright & Carry On

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