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Night had fallen upon us faster than I would have liked. We were all in the living room waiting for the Chanel's to give us our next challenge for Hell Week which I believe should be cancel because of the killer. Gigi is also here, keeping an eye on us while looking out the window. I got up to stand next to her to see what she was looking at.

"What are you doing?" I asked her while a few others came to join as well

"There's someone in that car out there" Gigi said pointing out a car parked outside the house. At the corner of my eye I saw Chanel roll her eyes in annoyance.

"That's the new security guard" Chanel said but Gigi just shook her head 

"No, there is another car parked out there" Gigi said 

"Is it the killer?" Jennifer asked. She's another pledge who is like in love with candles, she is weird. All she talks about is candles.

Grace who was right next to me let out a sigh "No, that's not the killer. That's my dad. He's been keeping an eye on me. I'll go talk to him." Grace said and started to walk out but Gigi stop her 

"Let me. I'll try to give him a piece of mind for you" Gigi said walking out the house. We all walked away from the window for Chanel to let out a loud sigh 

"I'm bored. So, let's start the hazing bitches" She said to us pledges and I can't believe I'm letting her do this

We all lined up in our underwear and I could see some of the girls were uncomfortable with their bodies. 

"Ladies, welcome to your first hazing. Personally, this is my favorite, where I judge your bodies and make fun of your stomachs that some look like an old man's saggy ass" Chanel said as she held a black sharpie. She walked over to us and looked at each of us up and down. "My, My we surely do have quite a selection here ladies." She explained. I rolled my eyes at her and I wasn't the only one, so was Grace and Zadaya. I could tell that they were more pissed than I was. 

"But before I start, you all have to take a shot of mayonnaise every five minutes. Starting now." Chanel said smirking at us. Chanel number 3 stood up with a tray of shot glasses filled with mayonnaise, handing us each a shot. We all threw our head backs taking the shot. Jennifer and Hester seemed to enjoy the taste. Sam didn't even make a face and as for me and Grace and Zadaya we made a sour face. Chanel walked over to Jennifer and wrote Cheese on her stomach. She moved along to Grace and just smirked at her. 

"Oh honey, you need a tummy tuck. You have a mushroom top" Chanel said as Grace just glared at her. Chanel wrote Lipo on her stomach. Next was Hester and she wrote Poo Belly on her stomach and next was me. 

"Look hard and good ladies on a whore. Someone has been whoring around with a certain somebody. Honestly who would ever have their way with you" Chanel said. I sent her a death glare which made back up a little in fear which made me give her a smirk.

"I see a whore. A real whore, you can see her to by looking in the mirror" I say. All three Chanel's gasp and were shocked that I said that. That's when Chanel wrote Slut on my stomach while I just kept sending her glares which made her back up once again and move on to Zadaya. 

"Hello, hood rat. Sweet yeezus, I don't even know where to begin with you" Chanel said while laughing as Zadaya just scoffed at her

"Bitch, I'm about to smack you so hard your tampon gonna pop out" Zadaya said. I chuckle at Zadaya words. Chanel was about to write on her stomach but stop 

"Hold on. Number 5, the pledges are yours. I'm gonna go to my room to fetch some white eyeliner so I can write legibly here on Zadaya" Chanel explained and left the room. After a few more seconds I could smell someone's fear and I heard another person upstairs 

"Something's wrong" I say to myself but Zadaya heard me 

"What is it?" She asked me but before I could answer a loud scream came from upstairs. Chanel came running down the stairs yelling "He was there! He was in my room!" Before anyone could do anything the new security guard came busting into the room. 

"What's going on? I heard screams" She said 

"Red Devil! He was here in my room and he attacked me! I was looking for white eyeliner so I could draw on Zadaya, when all of a sudden, there he was, trying to push me out the window." Chanel said freaking out 

"Wish he finished the job" I whisper lowed so only I would hear it 

"So, you think the killer is still up there?" The guard asked. I listen and I could hear no one else up there. It was just us and as I was doing this I noticed the rest of the girls going up the stairs and I follow behind them all the way to Chanel's room just to see All Sluts Die written in blood and I looked to the side to see an empty blood bag on the ground and it was mine. I grab it quickly before anyone could see it. It was the killer who took it. 

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