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"Are you sure they are going to be okay with this?" I asked Boone. It was now morning and I have already given him his second glass of my blood and we were waiting for Gigi and Hester to come back and we are telling them I'm joining but I made it clear to Boone that I'm not wearing a mask. 

"Yes and if they don't then they are just going to have to get over it or you could do that mind thingy" He said poking my head as he rested his hands on my waist smiling down at me 

"Compulsion, is what it is called" I say pecking his lips 

"I knew that but I was testing you to see if you knew it" He said smirking at me 

"Right of course. What was I thinking" I say laughing but before he could say anything the door open just for us to see Hester, Gigi, and Pete enter the room. Immediately when they entered the room their eyes landed on me while Pete just smiled 

"Ariella? What are you doing here?" Hester said sending me a fake smile 

"She knows Hester" Boone said to her as he kissed the top of my head 

"You told her" Gigi said and you could tell she was getting angry "Boone how could you do this? To us? We have been planning this for years and you just had to go and fall in love and tell her" 

"Look, you guys weren't that good at hiding it and the rest of the people on this campus aren't the brightest tool in the shed. I'm sure Hester and Boone have already told you about me killing Finn that night, right?" I asked them 

"Yeah, your a vampire. That's what Pete tells us" Hester said rolling her eyes and I could tell she didn't believe it and Boone could tell to which made him laugh as he went to sit back on the bed. 

"Tribrid" I say smiling at the three 

"What?" Hester asked 

"What the fuck is a Tribrid?" Pete asked me 

"I'm a witch, werewolf, and a vampire. All into one." I say and Gigi and Hesters jaws drop open in shocked 

"So, that's what you meant when I asked you if you were a vampire" Pete says 

"Yeah, Boone told everything and I'm here to help you which by the way no offence your revenge plan is a little lame" I say sitting down on the couch which made Boone get off the bed and come sit next me, putting his hand on my thigh 

"Lame? This plan has been in the making for 20 years and you are calling it lame?" Gigi said taking one of the chairs as Hester and Pete took the rest of the seats 

"Yeah. Look, my family is the oldest family and we have done revenge like a lot" I tell them 

"How did your family do revenge than?" Hester asked me 

"Well, we wanted to make sure they knew we were coming but we didn't want to kill them just yet. You got that part down. Next, we kill a few of their family members in front of them or we drop the body off in front of their house letting them know we are close. Sometimes we let them live but with all their family dead or we kill them after we kill their whole family. But that's just one of our revenge" I say remembering how my uncle Kol was back then along with my father. When I got done telling them they all looked at me in shocked beside Boone 

"Why kill their family and not just them?" Pete asked 

"Take away something they love. It just adds to it and in my uncle Kol words was why not and it adds more fun into the mix" I say 

"What else?" Gigi asked 

"There is a lot and we are not just talking about revenge they did on other people but my family has gotten revenge on each other but when my sister and I came into the mix, they changed but still killed when needed to be" I tell them 

"Tell us more about some revenges, we could use some" Gig said smiling at me and it was a true smile too. 

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