I Couldn't Take That Risk

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I hid Boone's body by putting him outside through the basement window and went back upstairs to where everyone else was, I sent a wink to Hester letting her know that Sam was now gone. I pretend that I got a call and that it was my sister, told the girls I had to leave but I would be back later. When I got outside, I ran around to the side of the house, where I left Boone to see he was still there. I took him out of his red devil outfit and he was left in his boxers. I used my vamp speed to go all the way to the dorm rooms, where I use to stay. I laid him on the bed and went out and locked the door. He would be waking up in a few hours and he going to need blood. I grab a few blood bags from the hospital near by. Then I stop by the KTT house and packed all my things and then I went to the hotel and made sure no one was there, I got Boone's thing and went back to the dorm. Once I got there I called Hope. 

"Hope? I did something bad" I say. 

"What did you do?" she asked me. That's when I told her everything about me finding out that Boone is alive and he is one of the killers and so is Hester who is his twin and their aunt Gigi and then Pete. 

"Hester, told me that Boone never wanted to do this but he did it for her and Gigi. I have been giving Boone my blood for the past few weeks now and then earlier today Hester tells me that Gigi already plan and that if Boone steps out of line again, she was going to kill him. So, I fed him my blood again and then I snap his neck" I say sobbing. I took away his choice. The one thing I told myself I would never do. 

"Ariella, you didn't want to lose him again. You did what you had to do to keep him, to keep him save, so you wouldn't lose him." Hope said. 

"I think he might be mad at me" I say running one of my hands through my hair. 

"Is he awake?" she asked 

"No" I say 

"Okay, you are going to get off the phone with me and just stay with him. Get everything ready for him when he wakes up. Text me when he is awake" she said and hung up the phone. Seconds, minutes pass by then hours and my leg was bouncing. That's when I heard a groan, I shot up from my seat and was right next to him. He opened his eyes, he looked around but once he saw me, he gave me a confused look. 

"What happened?" he asked and he sat up "Why are we in your old dorm room?"

"I'm so sorry" I sob "When Hester told me about Gigi and when you said that you wouldn't be suripse if she did kill you. I couldn't take that chance" I say 

"Baby, what did you do?" he asked 

"After you drank some of my blood, I snap your neck, killing you and brought you here." I say 

"You turned me?" he said 

"I'm so sorry Boone. I couldn't take that risk of her killing you" I say. I thought he would yell at me or upset but he just pulled me into his arms and held me. That's when I remember that he needs to drink to complete the transitioning. I pulled away and got up to grab a blood bag, handing it off to Boone. "You got to drink to complete the transformation" I say, I opened it up for him and once he took the first sip, within seconds the blood bag was empty. 

"That was delicious" he said and then looked down at himself and that's when he realized he was in his boxers "Why am I in my boxers?" he asked 

"I couldn't carry you in the red devil outfit. I couldn't take the chance of someone seeing you." I say and grab his shirt and pants. That's when he saw are bags.

"Are we leaving?" he asked as he got dressed 

"Yes, we are heading to New Orleans" I say 

"Why?" he asked me 

"Because we can't stay here. Your new to this life and I have to help learn control and it will be better if we were in New Orleans" I say. Once he was dressed, we were out the door. I rented a car but I stop by the KTT house first. I need to do something before I left town. 

"I'll be right back, stay down. Don't let anyone see you" I say and got out the car and headed for inside. I went up the stairs to Zadaya's room. I pulled out a blood bag and a vial of my blood. I could see her sleeping, just like everyone else was in their rooms.

Dear Zadaya, 

I have to go. I'll miss you a lot. Thank you for being my friend and being there for me. Here is a vial of my blood, along with a blood bag. Just in case you do want to become a vampire. You need to drink my blood first and then you need to die but you only have hours to decided after you drink my blood. Once you do that and you wake up, you need to drink the blood bag to complete the transformation. If you don't complete the transformation after 24 hours of waking up, then you will die for good. You have my number, call me whenever you need me and I'll be there. You are now part of the Mikaelson family. Always and Forever!



I left it all on her bed and I was out of the house, racing back to the car. 

"And we're off!" I say lacing my fingers with Boone's, driving far and far away from campus.

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