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It was now October and we were all gathered in the kitchen as Chanel had them craving pumpkins for Halloween. I was craving a my father as his ripper face as for the rest of the girls they were making them look pretty like a princess. Zaydaya walked in and sat in-between me and Grace who looked lost in thought and I could see the smoke coming out of her ears from her brain going into overdrive.

"What's wrong with you?" Zaydaya asked her picking up a knife has she started to crave her pumpkin

"Oh, it's nothing. I don't really know. I just found something out and I just really need to talk to my dad about it." She said, another thing about last night I got the other scent of one of the Devils and it was Hester's. So, I asked Chanel if Hester was with her last night and she said Hester left early 'something about meeting Zaydaya' and I knew Hester had lied. I just need to get her to know that I know.

"Yeah, right. She is so purposely trying to make it known that something is wrong" Hester said smirking while the rest of the Chanel's chuckled 

"Maybe something is wrong with you Hester or going to be" I say with a smirk on my face which dropped hers 

"Also, I'm sorry, is anyone totally weirded out by that we are doing this in same room where Miss Bean died? I mean she died right there like literally right there" Grace said pointing to a spot on the floor 

"Um... for the last time Miss Bean's not dead" Chanel said "She's haunting the campus with her fatness and murdering people" I rolled my eyes at her making sure she saw 

"And for the last time she is dead. You killed her, remember? Or do you have short trim memory?" I said to her and I could tell my words were pissing her off but she ignored me and went back to her pumpkin

Chanel went to stand in front of the table "Now, show me your pumpkins. We need to ship them off to my Instagram followers  right away for Chanel-o-ween. Halloween is right around the corner" Chanel explained to us. She seriously made this up to make herself look good.

Sam turns hers around and showed it to all of us "My pumpkin is drinking" Chanel looked and nodded her head "Approved" Next was Chanel number 3 "Mine's Charles Manson" Chanel smiled and clapped her hands at her "Love" up next was Hester "Mine's Chad Radwell" Chanel looked creeped out by this but waved her hand off at her "Fine" Jennifer was up next and she happily showed her's "Mine's Hurricane Andrew and the destruction it wrought on the state of Florida. 'UM...Okay' I thought to myself. Chanel said nothing and turn towards me, Grace, and Zaydaya. I turned mine around "Mine's a ripper" I say with a proud smile 

Chanel gave a confused face but a smile "I don't know what a ripper is but he's hot so approved" Chanel said. 'EWWWWWWWWW' I thought to myself 

Grace turned hers around "Mine's just a regular Jack-o'-lantern, which I'm sure you'll hate" Chanel crossed her arms and scoffed 

"Correct. Start over. Zaydaya?" 

She turned hers around to show us words but no picture carved saying 'Yes I Can' Chanel looked confused once again.

"Zaydaya, what the hell does that mean?" Chanel asked as Zaydaya smirked. All the girls stood around with Chanel besides me and Grace.

"Well, for Halloween I'm hosting a haunted house to raise money for Sickle Cell Anemia, because today is the day that I declare my intention to run for president of Kappa House." Zaydaya as she stood tall with a proud smile paster on her face 

All the Chanel's even Hester, who I guess is actually going through with being a Chanel even though I know she is also one of the killers. All 4 of them gasp in shocked. Even though my humidity is off, I have to give Zaydaya my support on this. I looked at her and gave her a smile which she returned 

Chanel dropped her pumpkin making it go everywhere "WHAT?!?" She shouted 

"Wait, why are you holding a fundraiser though?" Jennifer asked 

"To show my voters that I'm serious candidate and it isn't a popularity contest" Zaydaya explained 

"But all your voters are in this room and you just told us" Jennifer said 

"Hey Jennifer, can you hop off the spectrum for a second?" Chanel snapped at her and than looked back at Zaydaya "I don't think you understand the magnitude of the miscalculation you just made" Chanel walked towards Zaydaya with a pissed look on her face "I can assure you, you will not be winning an election or anything anytime soon. And when you lose, I am goona make it my lifelong passion to destroy your reputation" She threatened but Zaydaya just smiled and got in her face

"Let me brew you a hot cup of telling it like it is. You're a stuck up little sociopath bitch and everyone in this room knows it. I'm reasonably confident that these girls will kick your psycho ass to the curb the first chance they get. I know for a fact that my girl Ariella will definitely be able to kick your ass." Zaydaya said while Chanel looked at me a glared but I glared back. I step in front of Zaydaya to stand right in front of Chanel "It might be a behooved for you but as I recall with everyone else here witnessed you murder someone. That's a fact that is about to have anonymous phone call and become a juicy little segment on the local news" I say smirking 

"I didn't kill Miss Bean. And if I do murder someone, it's goona be you" She threatened me but all I did was continue smirking 

"Yeah, you wouldn't be the first and you certainly won't be the last" I say leaving the room  

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