Chapter 1: When Sid met Kiara

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The day starts with bright and beautiful sunshine..Sid is very particular about his routine work.. Waking up early Going for a walk in the nearby garden.. then coming back and getting ready for office..Most of the time He only wears Formals..He was in a hurry today and was thinking to skip breakfast..and came down in a hurry..

Sid's Mom - Good morning Sid..

Sid - Not Now Mom.. I am running late..

Sid's Mom - Arre But Breakfast..

Sid - I will have in Office.. Don't worry..

While taking all his stuff..Documents, bag etc he said all this..

Sid's Mom - Ok.. But Don't forget

Sid - Yes Yes.. Where is Dad ?

Sid's Mom - He has left for office..

Sid - Ok.. Then Bye..

He took blessings from God..and was about to step out of the door.. Suddenly his mom called..

Sid - Now what Mom..
( He said irritatedly)

Sid's mom rushed and handed over a box to him and told..

Sid's Mom - You are going out only Give these Laddos to Kiara She loves it..

And as soon as he heard Kiara's name.. He got more irritated..

Sid - Mommmm... You stopped me for this.. I am not giving it. Especially to her.. No..

Sid's Mom with Extra Love - Itna sa kaam nahi karega maa ka ( Can't you do this much for mom..)

Sid - Oh God Mom You always do this..Ok I will give..

Sid's Mom- Ab ki na acche baccho wali baat ( Yess That's my boy )

Sid - Whatever.. Ok Bye..

Sid's Mom - Yes Bye..

Advani Mansion-

Kiara's Mom - Come fast Kiara.. Breakfast is ready..You are already Late.. and Warn you I am not going to let you go without Breakfast..

Kiara - Yes Mom Coming.. and No Breakfast please.. Its too late..

Kiara's Mom - So you should have woken up early na..
( She said while twisting her ear )

Kiara - Ahh.. Mom Leave..

She made her sit on the dining table and told her to eat..

Kiara's Mom- Eat fast..

Kiara quickly grabbed the sandwich and put it in her mouth and she is so impatient that with the large bite of sandwich in her mouth She has to speak..

Kiara - Where is Kartik ?

Kiara's Mom- Where he could be..

Kiara - Ofc in Gym..

Kiara's Mom - Yess..

Kiara's Mom while banging her head - Don't speak Eat quitely..

Kiara - Okkk...

Kiara completed her Breakfast  and rushed to the door.. Sid was also entering from there only..Both with many things in there hand.. Sid was busy in a phone call and kiara was coming looking back and they collided into each other and fell on the ground.. the call went on speaker..his manager was on call..

Kiara - Ahhhh..

Sid - Arre Yaar...

Meanwhile his manager on call - Sir Sir Are you listening.. What happened Sir.. Shall I send Ambulance.. Sir Sirrr..

Sid - Shut Up Yaar and hunged up the phone..

Now Sid To Kiara - Can't you see and walk....

Kiara questioned back - Can't you see and walk..

Sid - And where are you going with so much things in your hand??

Kiara- Tujhse Matlab ( None of  your business)

Sid - Haa toh mujhe bhi tujhse koi Matlab nahi ( Yes I am also not bothered about you ) I just came here to give you these Ladoos
Take it..
Aur Kha kha ke moti hoja..( Eat and get fat )

Kiara - Mota hoga tu ( You are fat I am not )

And they started arguing..

Kiara - hejshsishskskhdjsj...

Sid - jsudiwhsskfurehwj...

Meanwhile Kiara's Mom came there..

To be continued..

So that's all for today..
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