Chapter 35 : Guilt

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Kiara - Ready for what!!!!!

Man - To die ofcource.. ( He said pointing the gun towards Sid..)

And in less than a moment He fired, the bullet was about to go apart from Sid he closed his eyes and accepted his fate but God had different plans ,Kiara came in between and got shot and sighed..
There was moment of silence all around only the sound of bullet hitting was echoing in his ears..he opened his eyes and Kiara fell into his arms.. he screamed with Fright "Kiaraaaaaaaaaaa"

The man laughed and said, " Well my work is over.. "

" I will not leave youu You will suffer" he said angrily, the man laughed and left.. Suddenly the emotion of anger changed into concern. He looked towards her who was almost faint and blood all over her and his shirt..
He patted her cheeks trying to keep her awake..

Sid - Kiara.. Kiara.. Please.. Please.. keep your eyes open.. Don't worry kuch nahi hoga tujhe...

He held her in his arm made her sit in the car.. he himself sat and drove towards hospital..
He was constantly speaking to keep her awake.. but the situation was worsening.. the bleeding was not stopping.. he tied his handkerchief around her arm.. His eyes were full of tears which blurred the vision of road.. but he gathered himself wip his tears and drove very fast.. he played the radio in highest volume possible to keep her awake.. After a moment they reached hospital, he rushed her towards the emergency ward tears rolling from his eyes continuously and Kiara was almost unconscious..

The doctor took up the charge and immediately took her to OT..
" Doctor.. Doctor... Please save her... " he said the doctor nodded..

Sid was completely shattered at that moment , he did not know what to do.. he was on his both the knees, seeing blood all over his shirt his hands were trembling..

" It's alll my faultt" he screamed in pain.. and hit his hand on the wall..
(Phone bell rings)
He was not in a situation to consider his phone.. A nurse passing from near heard and took the phone and answered it..

Nurse - Hello

Mom - Hello Who are you ?

Nurse - Mam I am speaking from Hospital..

Mom - What!! Hos.. hospital..

Nurse - Your son is here and he needs you.. Please come as soon as possible..

Mom- Bu.. but.. what happened??

Nurse - Mam I don't have time for all this.. You please come fast..
And she hunged up the call..

Mom got very scared to which all the family members reacted.. She explained whole situation while crying.. Everybody rushed..

"It's all my fault.. It it is my fault.. I would have not allowed her to come there.. It's all all beca.. because of.. me.... " he said while sobbing..

In a moment everybody arrived and were shocked to see Sid..

Mom - Sidddddd...

Sid came out of his zone and looked towards her, got up ran towards her and hugged her..

Mom - Sid.. Sid.. what happened..
Where.. where.. is Kiara ??

Sid - Ki.. Kiara.. she.. she.. got shot..
( He said while sobbing)

Everbody was in complete shock..

Kiara's Mom - Wh.. Whattt..... How how did this happened??

Sid was not in a state of speaking..
He murmured " It's all because of me.. It's all because of me.. I.. I.. am sorry.. "

Mom - Sid.. what are you saying???? Come in your senses..

But he was constantly murmuring this..

Mom slapped him.. and shook him..

Mom - Sid.. Come in your senses..

Fortunately the slapped work and he came back.. he Narrated the whole story while sobbing..
Dad informed the Doctor to do anything in order to save her..

Sid fell in the feets of Kiara's mother and apologized to her..

Sid - I am Sorry sorry aunty I couldn't take care of her.. It was me who deserved that.. not her.. I am Sorryyy....
( wheeping)

Kiara's Mom who herself was very scared and crying pick him up.. and said" no.. no.. beta it's not your fault.. "

Sid - Nooooo... It is my fault !!! ( He said firmly ) I am guilty...
( By saying this he ran from there.. )

Mom - Sid Sid.. where are you going ????? Kriti Kartik go behind him...

To be continued..

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