Chapter 34 : Held on Gunpoint

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It was afternoon and sun was right above them..Mom called them and told to take a bath and be fresh.. The whole day was full of fun.. Everyone eating together.. playing games, singing and dancing around.. Everything was perfect but for sometime..

Next Morning,

It was a peaceful morning just a day before Sid's Birthday, There was happiness all around they had a hearty breakfast and were sitting in the shining sun..

Mom - It's been a long time since we have sat together..

Kiara's Mom- Yess It feels so good..

Dad - Sid I told you bring that file with you.. I hope you have it..

Sid - Oh Shit Sorry Dad How can I forget that..

Dad - Whatt!! You don't have??

Sid - No Dad.. I forgot..

Dad - Sid...

Mom - Now leave it..

Dad - No we can't...Midnight I have the meeting

Sid - Yes Mom.. International Client and it was an important deal.. We can't loose it..

Dad - Absolutely..

Sid - Don't worry Dad I will go home and bring it now..

Mom - But Sid...

Sid - It's urgent Mom Cant be missed..

Mom - Okay But you will not go alone.. Take Kiara with you..

Sid - Ok.. Kiara I am taking the car out.. Come fast..

Kiara - Yes Coming..

Sid took out the car, Kiara came and sat.. He started the car and went off.. Half and hour went..

Kiara ( in mind ) - Oh God I can't sit like this for 3 hours..
And she turned on the music..

Sid - Yesss.. I knew I was wondering that how are you so quitely sitting without irritating me..

Kiara - This is irritating !!!! I can't believe How can someone not like music..
(She sighed)

Sid - Well I do not....

Kiara - You know what you don't listen.. but I am going to..
( She Said switching off music she connected her earphones plugged in and closed her eyes..)

Sid - Much better..

Suddenly a man came standing in between the road wearing black clothes and covered face.. Sid pressed the horn twice but he did not move a bit..

Sid - What the hell is this !!

Kiara removed her earphones and took a glance at the situation..

Kiara - What happened??

Sid - Is he mad or what standing in the middle of the road ?? You stay here I am coming..

He opened the door and got out of the car went towards the man..

Sid - Excuse me Move aside ( He shouted)

The man did not show any expression his hand went towards the pistol he had in his pocket and pointed towards Sid.. Sid immediately raised his hands.. Kiara got scared and opened the door of car..
Sid shouted " Kiara you stay there ......
don't come out.." Kaira replied " Nooooo" and came there..

Sid - Oh God Why don't you listen to me !!!!!

Man held Kiara on gunpoint..

Sid - Look Look Please you take everything you want Take this ring , watch , wallet everything ( He said taking them out ) keep the car as well But please leave us....

Kiara also took her rings , earrings out and kept them down..

Man( laughing) - You really think that I am over here to take these small things Mr. Sidharth Malhotra.. and Mrs Kiara Advani Malhotra....

Sid and Kiara glanced towards each other wandering that how he knew them..

Man - What are you thinking .. That how do I know you both Right ?

Sid - Look I have given everything to you Let her go you deal with me..

Kiara - I am not going anywhereeeeee..... ( She shouted )

Sid - Kiaraaaa You Shut upp And leave.. ( He shouted angrily)

Kiara - Sid..I am not leaving you alone hereeeee....

Sid - Oh God Why don't you listen to me!!!!!!!!

Man interrupting- Do you think this is a drama going onnn ??????? Well I agree with Mr. Malhotra you should not have come out of the car Mrs. Malhotra.. ( He sighed )
Already he is dyi-

Kiara - Shut Upppp Don't you utter a word....
( She said pointing her finger towards him.)

Man - Ohhhh I got scared!! Now.. Oh no...
( He said dramatically..) Well I think you are more in hurry to die ..

Sid - Look.. Look.. Please Whatever you want Take it from me.. But please leave her.. Please I beg..

Man (laughs) - You are a smart boy Sid.. and she is a silly girl..
See learn from him..
Well I don't have time for all this stupid stuff..
Let me get to the point..
Your father ruined everything and you are the one who is going to pay for it.. Junior..
So are you ready???

Kiara - Ready ??Ready for what??? For God's sake SID do something You can't bend before him........

Sid - Kiara I told you to stay inside and not come out.. If you were not here I would have handled this situation differently......

Man - Again started!! Well where I was..umm.. umm.. yess!! Are you ready??

Kiara - Ready for what!!!!!

Man - To die ofcource.. ( He said pointing the gun towards Sid..)

And in less than a moment He fired.. the bullet was about to go apart from Sid he closed his eyes and accepted his fate but God had different plans ,Kiara came in between and got shot..

To be continued..

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