Chapter 36 : Mixed feeling

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Sid - I am Sorry sorry aunty I couldn't take care of her.. It was me who deserved that.. not her.. I am Sorryyy....
( wheeping)

Kiara's Mom who herself was very scared and crying pick him up.. and said" no.. no.. beta it's not your fault.. "

Sid - Nooooo... It is my fault !!! ( He said firmly ) I am guilty...
( By saying this he went from there.. )

Mom - Sid Sid.. where are you going ????? Kriti Kartik go behind him...

In this tough situation there was only one hope.. Pray.. He straight away went to the temple in the hospital itself..

Sid ( while weeping) - I am So sorry.. really very very Sorry Pl- please God Pl- please.. save her.. it wasn't meant for her.. It was for me..
Pl-please Pl-please...

After Sometime the operation got over and doctor came out..

Mom - Doctor!! Doctor !! How is she ???

Kiara's Mom- Yess yess.. Doctor please Telll...

Doctor - Calm Down Fortunately everything is fine..She is out of danger.. and will gain consciousness after some time..

They sighed and took a breath of relief, thanked God..

Mom - Kriti Go and call Sid..

She quickly ran and called him..

Kriti - Bhai.. Bhabhi is fine now..

Sid immediately gathered himself,

Sid - Thank you Thank youu So much Godd..

He quickly got up and went towards the OT..

Kiara was shifted to normal room.. he reached there..

Sid - Doc- Doctor Can I meet her..

Doctor - Yess Sure..

He went inside ,Kiara was lying down , her pulse was showing on the monitor.. she had a sling over her arm, because of bullet, he quietly sat beside her..

Sid - You are Mad.. Totally Mad.. I told you not to come there.. I was handling but No.. You will not believe How scared I was, because of me you are in this condition.. I am Sorry.. ( He held her hand) What if something had happened to you....

A drop of tear from his eyes fell on her hand.. he wiped his tears and went from there..

After 2-3 hours she gained consciousness.. The doctor informed them that she is now out of danger and you can take her home tomorrow..

Everybody went inside to see her..

Kiara with half eyes opened and blurred vision for a second opened her eyes.. Everybody was so relieved to see her.. Kiara's Mom quickly went and sat beside her and caressed her hair with love and concern saying " How are you feeling beta "

Kiara - I.. I.. am- fi-ne Mom.. ( She looked around ) Wh-ere is Sid ?? Is he fi-ne..( She asked trying to get up..)

Kiara's Mom - Yes Yes beta he is fine you please rest..

Nurse came in and said " Excuse me visiting hours are over.. "

Mom - Yes.. Yess..
She carresed her hair and said Get well soon beta..
And went out of the room..

Kartik - Mom you all go home I and Bhaiya will stay here..

Kiara's Mom - Ok Beta..

Next Morning,

Mom had kept a pooja at home for Kiara's well being.. She was getting discharged today, the whole house was lighten up and flowers all around to welcome her..

In hospital,
Kartik woke up early and went to get freshen up.. Sid was still sleeping on the sofa in hospital's room..Suddenly Kiara coughed a little bit.. hearing this he woke up with a jerk and immediately went to her.. She was trying to get up and take water..

Sid - Wait, wait..
( He filled the glass, helped kiara to sit and made her drink tha water..) Are you Fine now..

She nodded in Yes.. He sat taking a stool beside her.. there was an awkward silence for a minute.. he wanted to say something but could not figure it out.. his eyes were looking down.. Kiara breaking this silence said " Are you Fine ? "

Sid nodded in yes , "great" and after that there was complete silence..

Kiara - Say something Sid..

His eyes being moist turned up towards her.. but he did'nt said anything..

Kiara - Sid Please.. Say something..

Sid - I.. so-rry.. ( He said bursting his heart out.. eyes filled with tears..) I am really ver-y very sorry.. It's all because of me that you are in this situation..

Kiara held his hand and comforted him..

Kiara - No.. It's not your fault.. Sid .. Stop thinking yourself responsible for this.. You told me to remain in the car.. I was the one who came out.. It was just an mere accident.. Nobody's guilty..

He continued wheeping.. Kiara wiped his tears and said,

Kiara - It's ok Sid.. It's okk..

He kept his head in her lap and she carresed his hair..
Soon the nurse barged in, he gathered himself wip his tears and got up..

Nurse - Sir You please complete the discharge formalities at the reception..

He nodded.. and said to her " I am coming.. You take care of yourself.." she said yes..

Sid went to reception and completed the formalities Kartik was also there.. The nurse helped kiara to change her clothes and get ready to go home.. After completing the formalities they went to her room to take her home..

To be continued..

Thank you kind readers for having patience, I know this was too late, but I will try to be consistent from now..

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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