Chapter 18 : It's not a Game

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Kiara's Mom - Yes at least you guys should have done a realistic prank..

Sid's Mom - Yesss.. Imagining you and Kiara married It can never happen in any world..

Kiara's Mom- Yess...

Sid's Mom- Come on now.. Your prank didn't work.. Call Rakul..

Kriti - Bhai and Kiara di I am very upset with you guysss You did a prank without uss

Kartik - I Agree This is not fair.. You should have included uss...also..

Sid - It's not a Prankk......

Everybody started laughing....

Sid's Mom- Sid Now please stop.. You are already caught.. why to stretch it.. Call Rakul..

Sid - Rakul is not here..

Sid's Mom- Sid Please.. Enough Stop all this..

Sid - Mom I am Serious...

Sid's Mom- You mean that you married Kiara and Rakul is not here..

Sid - Yess Exactlyy..

Sid's Mom- What exactly ?? Are you Mad...

Till then Kiara handed over the letter written by Rakul to Sid's Mom..She opened it and read.. She was totally shocked..

Kiara's Mom - What happened.. What is written...

She took the letter and read it..

Kiara's Mom - Whattt!!!!

Sid - That's what aunty Rakul is not here...

Sid's Mom - How is this possible.. She herself agreed to marry you...

Sid - Yess.. Mom but beacuse of her dad.. not willingly..

Sid's Mom- She should have denied at that Moment only..

Kiara's Mom - Yess...

Sid's Mom- One minute.. Rakul is not here.. I got it.. but you married Kiara instead of her..

Sid casually said Yes..

Sid's Mom- What Yesss Are you Mad or what... Why did you do this..

Sid - Mom You know whole media was there.. Business related Guests , Family everyone was there.. And if at the end moment if we were going to say that bride is not here .. She ran..

Sid's Mom - Just for this reason you married Kiara..

She said a bit loudly..

Sid - Yess..

Sid's Mom- Ohh God !!!

Kiara's Mom- Kiara what is this.. Why did you supported him..
Vaise toh You guys are poles apart do not agree on each other and now this..

Kiara - Mom This was my Idea..
(She said in a low voice)

Kiara's Mom- What did you say ?? Speak louder..

She repeated the words a little louder..

Kiara's Mom - Do you guys think This a game or what Whatever happened you will undo it and it will be all fine..

Kartik - But Mom they did this for our reputation..

Kiara's Mom- You be Quiet Kartik.. Don't speak when elders are talking..

Sid's Mom - Whatever the reason was This was not the solution to this problem.. You should have told us.. we would have find a way out of it..

Sid - Mom At that time Whatever came to our mind we did it..

Sid's Mom- Do you even realize what you have done.. You are married...
Marriage is not a game..
It means that now you have to together for the rest of your life..

Sid and Kiara looked at each other and said..
" Noooo"

Sid's Mom- What No ?? Yess...

Kiara's Mom- This is the problem with this generation.. You guys just do it.. don't think about that what will be the consequences of it..

Sid's Mom- Yess.. But now there's no point of saying all this.. What happened can't be changed..
Now you have to live together..

Sid and Kiara Together - It can be changed..

Sid's Mom- For God sake.. We know what you are thinking but you know that it can't happen...

Kiara's Mom- You married by your own will so let it be..

Sid - Mom please.. I can't live with her..

Sid's Mom- This you should have thought before getting married..
Now there's no chance..

Kiara - Mom Atleast You will support us..

Kiara's Mom- No Beta Why do you need my support.. No need of that..

Kiara's Mom to Kiara's Dad and Kartik - Chalo Let's go.. It's already very late...

Kiara - Dad atleast you..

Kiara's Dad - No beta you have not done right..

And they left.. Kiara tried to stop them but they didn't Her eyes were filled with tears..

Sid - Mom Please you try to understand..

Sid's Mom - No..

Sid - Dad.. We genuinely did this for our reputation.. that you built by your hardwork.. I can't let that ruin because of me..

Sid's Dad - Beta I agree your intentions were good but you should have not done this..

After saying this They left towards their room..

To be continued..

So that's all for today
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