Chapter 8 : A Chance

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Manager- Sirrr.. Byeee..

Sid in mind - I think all stupid people are around me only..

Sid in sarcastic tone - Byeee

Sid sat in his car..and drive back to home.. After Sometime he reached home..

At home already something was going on..

Sid's Mom- It's the time to Celebrate.. Have Sweet..

Sid - Celebration.. Ohh Great but What's the reason..

He asked while engulfing laddoo..

Rakul's Mom - You and Rakul are getting married..

As soon as he listened this laddoo got stuck in his throat and he started coughing.. Sid's Mom quickly gave him water and patted his back.. After being normal..

Rakul's Mom- Are you fine beta ?

Sid - Yes.. Yess aunty..

Sid - Mom can you please tell where are those files kept in the room ?

He Basically made a excuse.. because he wanted to talk his mom alone..

Sid's Mom- Yes.. Yess.. I am coming.. Till then you please have some snacks and sweet..

They both went in a room.. and sid closed the door..

Sid - Mom.. What is this.. You told until and unless I am not going to say yess.. You are not doing anything.. How can you confirm my marriage without my consent.. This is not fairr Mom...

Sid's Mom- Sid.. Sid.. Calm downn.. Sit and listen calmly..

Sid - No Mom This is not Donee..

Sid's Mom- First listen to me..

Sid - Fineee Speakk..

Sid's Mom- I didn't ask them for your marriage..Before I could say something about this topic.. Rakul's Mom wants that Rakul should marry you... And ofcource I wanted you to get married and Rakul is such a good girl..She is your good friend.. You have mutual understanding what else you need ??

Sid - Mom I know Rakul is nice.. Rakul is my good friend.. But she is just a friend not more than thattt..

Sid's Mom- So make her na More than Friend.. She was so happy when her mom talked about it..
Atleast think of her..

Sid- What..

Sid's Mom- Yess She is happy..And who is telling you to marry tomorrow or now.. There's so much time for you guys to know each other more properly.. to get to know about your likes and dislikes.. Atleast Try..

These were the statements that convinced Sid to atleast give a chance..

Sid- Ok..

Sid's Mom- Good... Ab yeh sadi si shakal mat bana and Smile..

Sid smiled..

Sid's Mom- Yess That's My Boy.. Come let's go..

Sid - Yes..

They both came out..and sat..

Rakul's Mom- So How is your work going Sid ?

Sid - Good aunty..

Rakul's Dad- Come on This is not a question to ask..
Sid is Perfect in his work..

Rakul's Mom- Yes.. you are right..

All of them giggled..

After Sometime..

Rakul's Mom- I think we should leave now..

Sid's Mom- Aree It's too early..

Rakul's Mom- No No.. Actually we have some work.. and Now we will be meeting very often..

Sid's Mom- Yess.. True..

Rakul's Mom- Okk See you soon..

They accompanied them till the door and bids bye..

Sid without any further discussion went to his room.. His Mom tried to stopped him but he didn't..

Sid entered in his room.. and closed the door..
He was quite angry with all that happened...
Now only one thing was there that will make him feel light..

He grabbed and his phone..
And dialed someone..

Sid - Hello.. Sorry to disturb to you this late.. You be ready.. I am coming..

By saying this he hunged up the call..

To be continued..

So that's all for today..

Who you do think the person is who is on call ?

As I told you that my studies are my first for sometime i will not be able to write further..

But Don't worry I will be back ASAP

This chapter was already half typed so I completed it..

I hope you will miss this book

See you soon

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