Chapter 21 : Annoying

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Kiara - Huh!! Noo Is there any other door to go out ??

Sid - Yess Yess.. This is not a Normal Room.. It is full of mysteries.. Abhi If you are going press that switch a door will appear...

Kiara - Is this the time to crack your bad jokes..

Sid - You first see you Question na.. Is this a Question to ask..

Kiara - Whatever !!

Sid - Haa Just say whatever.... But don't accept that you don't have mind.....

Kiara - I don't have mind
( she questioned)

Sid - See Thank god you are accepting it atleast..

Kiara - Ughhhhhhhhh You are impossible

Sid - It is what it is..

Kiara - Ok leave all that and try to open the door..

Sid - It will not.. But I have a another way for you to go out..

Kiara - Is that Tell !!

Sid - Look we are only on first floor.. not that up just about 15 feets i guess so you jump out of the window..

Kiara glanced at him angrily..

Kiara - You know I can't because I have phobia of height..

Sid - I know that is why I gave this idea
And he started laughing...

Kiara pulling her hairs - Ahhhhhhh... God!!!!!

Sid seeing that she is genuinely annoyed now so he stopped laughing and said,

Sid - Ok Now Jokes apart.. Door is locked from outside.. You can't jump off the window.. I will not go anywhere if you are thinking so that i will jump off because it's my room.. So let's do a deal you stay here without opening your mouth and i will also do the same..

Kiara - Sounds Okay..

Sid - What okay ?? Are you in ??

Kiara - Do we have any option instead this ?

Sid - Ofcource Not..

Kiara - So Yess..

Sid - Ok then now let me do my work..

Kiara - Maine kab roka tujhe
( When I did stop you? )

Sid ignoring what Kiara said and went to change his clothes.. and Kiara also opened her Luggage and took out clothes..Sid came from washroom and Kiara went in..
He had some work to do today.. So he opened his laptop sat on the bed and started to do his work..Till then Kiara also came..
Sid was calling his manager and he put the phone on speaker..
Kiara came and sat on the couch doing her hairs..

On call ,

Sid - Hello

Manager- Yes Yes Hello Sir How are you?

Sid in sarcastic tone - I am Fine.. Can we please talk something other than How are you ?

Manager - Ofcourse Sir why not Say!

Sid - Thankssss...

Manager - My pleasure

Kiara started laughing and that irritated him a more..

Sid - Okayyy You please send the files of Mr. Ahuja actually I forgot them in the cabin..

Manager - Sir You should have not forgotten..

Kiara giggled..

Sid - Excuse me..

Manager- Sorry Sir.. I will send you the copy in a minute..

Sid - You better..

Manager- Ok Sir then Bye.. Goodnight..

Sid - Yess..

As soon as he hunged up the call Kiara bursted out laughing..
Sid was looking at kiara irritatedly..

Sid - Will you please Stop !!!

Kiara- No I can'tttttt.... Hahahaha..

Sid - Ahhhhhhh

She continued laughing being irritated with it he stood up and pick the chocolate from the table which he loves and always munching on it and putted it in Kiara's mouth so that she just stops..

Kiara - Ah..

She continued laughing..

Sid being more and more irritated let it go and sat back on the bed..

Kiara - Well thanks for the chocolate.. I love it..

Sid rolled his eyes.. till then he received the files and got busy with it.. Kiara was lying on the couch surfing through social media.. As she is a Singer very famous she has lot of followers whom she had to update..
After Sometime, It was now very late around 12.30 Kiara slept while looking at the phone.. and Sid got done with his work..

To be continued..

So that's all for today
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