Chapter 24 : Press Conference

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Kiara - Ok Now If we are done with the compliments please tell us what is happening why we all are so dressed up.. What is happening??

Sid - Yes Mom Enough of Suspense ..

Mom - Yes Yes I know you eagerly want to know so let's go the hall you will get to know..

There were so many chairs and stage all lighten up simple and decent..

Kiara - These all arrangements seems like there is press conference..

Mom - Yess.. Kiara You guessed it right..

Sid - What!! Press conference but for what.. Right now we are not starting any new project or something which needs to be announced in the media.. So why mom..

Mom - Sid.. Wait you'll get to know..

Mom ordered the staff to open the door and let all the media come in.. There were journalists from reputated news channels and newspapers..
They all came in with their cameramen and notepad with them and got accommodated on the chairs.. placed their mics on table..
Mom went on the stage to address the media..

"Thank you everyone for coming here on a very short notice.. We express our gratitude to you all "

And there was a round of applause..

"So the whole world knows that my son Sidharth got married a few days before.. So this press conference is kept to introduce my daughter in law to you all "

Meanwhile Sid and Kiara were looking at each other in a expression that what is happening over here??

Mom - Sid please come on stage with your wife..

Sid - What is she doing ???

Mom - Sid come on..

He can't even deny to go.. because cameras were on..
So he held Kiara's hand and went on the stage..
They were shocked to see kiara as Sid's wife..

Media discussing among themselves..
"Kiara advani ??? Where is Rakul preet singh ?? Why is she as his wife ??? "
The voices were increasing..

Mom - Please Please Please.. I know you all have many questions.. And I am here to answer them only.. As you all know that Sidharth was going to marry Rakul.. But it did not happened... Yess... Sidharth married Kiara Not rakul..
Because it is said that Love finds its way.. Sid and Rakul were Bestfriends from their school but we thought that it was love.. We were wrong !! Rakul and Sid were only friends.. Rakul loved somebody else and Sid also.. They both got married to their love..

If they got married in the pressure of everyone they would have never find happiness in their life.. So it's better to not to get pressurized and do which makes you happy..

Media " Yes.. Yes.. It is right.."

Mom - Thank you Each and Everyone for understanding us and supporting us.. Thanks for coming here.. Now you can take pictures..

Sid and Kiara were told to pose together as instructed by cameramen..
After that the media left and Sid questioned Mom..

Sid - Mom what was the need of it?? Why ??

Mom - Ofcource it was needed everyone should know that you and Kiara are married..

Sid - Mom you know We married because of a Reason..

Kiara - Yes.. We don't love each other..

Sid - Exactlyy.. So what was the need of it..

Mom - Whatever reason.. Right now the truth is that you both are married and nobody can change that.. Now you both have to live together.. and if you talk about love.. Then what about love It happens with time..

Sid - Mom you are impossible!!!!

He said and left from there..
In two hours newspapers, news channels and social media was filled with this newss.. Everybody was praising their match.. and commenting that "They are literally made for each other " "Destined to be together"

 and commenting that "They are literally made for each other " "Destined to be together"

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Kiara's social media was full of wishes.. Sid's business friends were wishing him.. And all this was very irritating for them..

With Sid ,

He got a message from Mr. Ahuja "Congratulations Mr. Malhotra "
He replied "Thanks "

Sid - Ohh God I am fed up with all this Thanks Thanks Thanks!!!!!!!

He said being irritated and kept his phone aside...

With Kiara ,

Her social media was full of these wishes.. In her Dm , stories , Post everywhere it was her and Sid..
The notification were coming continuously.. So bring irritated she switched off her phone..

So that's all for today
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