Chapter 31 : Something is Brewing Up

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Dad - I said i will handle it.. And don't worry if I need you i will tell you..

Sid - Ohkk.. Dad..

Kiara Mom - Ok Now we should leave...

Kaira's Dad - Yes If you need me Call me anytime..

Dad - Yess Suree..

They left..

Mom - Now we should also sleep..We will see this matter tomorrow

Sid - Hmm

Next Morning, On Dining Table,

Dad - I want the security to be the best.. I can't take any risk

Sid - Dad what happened?

Dad - Nothing, 20 years back also he attacked my family and this time I won't let this happen and that's why i was just increasing the security..

Mom - Yes It's important.. and Sid please you won't go anywhere without the guards and Kiara and kriti you too
(She said in a panic tone )

Kiara - Mom please Relax... Have a glass of water.. ( She drank ) Everything is going to be fine..

Sid - Yes Mom And I don't think there's anything to worry about he won't do any such thing again..

Mom - You don't knoww himm Sidd
( She said out of restlessness)

Sid - Ok Ok Mom Please Calm Down I will do as you say..

She nodded

Dad - Sid Let's go now it's getting late..

Sid - Yes Dad..

Sid hugged his Mom and assured her... and went to office with Dad.. Meanwhile it was off for Kiara so she was home..
Suddenly she looked at the date today and realized it was Sid's Birthday in a week.. She rushed towards Mom..
Mom was sitting on Sofa and was very tensed..

Kiara - Mommm...

Mom - What happeneddd??? Why are you shouting...
(She stood up..)

Kiara - Nothinggg... Firstly you sit down.. And forget about all those things..
(She made her Sit..)

Kiara - Yesss Good.. Now you look at date today..

Mom - Kiaraa Please right now I am not in a mood for all this..

Kiara - Mom.. Please just look once..

She looked.. and then she realized.. a smile bloomed on her face.. ( And that's what kiara wanted ) She also smiled..

Mom - Oh It's Sid's Birthday In a week.. How can I forget about it..

Kiara - Yesss Exactlyyy...

Kriti also came there..

Kriti - Ohh Yess Bhai's Birthdayyy.. So what are we doing this timee mom..

Mom - What we will do As usual We will wish him.. He will say thank you... After requesting a lot he will cut the cake and whole day busy in work..

Kiara - As Alwayssss..

Kriti - Always we all are more excited on his birthday rather than himm...

Kiara - But this time.. It is not going to Happen..

Mom - Huh.. Then what are we going to do..

Kiara - Something special..

Kriti - Like what ?

Kiara explained the whole idea to both of them..

Mom - Impossible He won't agree for a holiday of 3 dayss..

Kriti - Yes Bhabhi Even I think so..

Kiara - Noooo You both can't loose hopee Mom you will make him agree..

Kriti - Yess Mom He won't deny youu..

Mom - No I am not going to do it..

Kriti and Kiara Together "Pleasee Pleasee Momm "

Mom - Ok Ok.. I will do..

Kiara and Kriti gave a high five..

Kiara - Ok I will inform kartik also about it..

Kriti - Yess bhabhi...

After Sometime, Kiara called Kartik and explained the whole plan to him..

Kartik - Wow Di It will be Funn..
By the way whose idea was it ?

Kiara - Who do you think...

Kartik - Umm Kriti..

Kiara - No..

Kartik - Then Aunty's

Kiara - Dumb It was mineee...

Kartik laughed and said " It was yourss.. "

Kiara - Yess What did you thought I can't have good ideass...

Kartik - No No it's not like that.. But For Sid bhaiya you are doing all this.. This was a surprise.. Every birthday you just wished him.. that also turned into in a quarrel..

This made Kiara think..

Kiara - Umm.. Aa.. You know what Kartik If you think i am doing all this for that stupid Sid.. so you are wrong, I am doing this for Mom.. You already know what happened yesterday and after all that she was so tensed.. So I.. I.. just wanted to distract her fromm all this.. and the only idea I got was this.. I won't do a Single thing for Siddd
( She said explaining her herself)

Kartik - Ok.. Ok..Di Why are you explaining so much..

Kiara - Whatever.. I have a lot of work to do.. Byee..

Kartik hunged up the call and smiled..

To be continued..

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