Relationship issues

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Well my bf and I have been arguing a lot lately. A while ago I did but I gave him a second chance. And now he uses that against me everytime we argue bc I have tried breaking up with him before but it didn't work. Bc I couldn't go through with it. We've been arguing about the stupidist shit. Like I showed my face on GJ and he got mad and said he only wanted to see my face and nobody else. Then I changed my pfp on Facebook and be got mad since I said he could see my face, like dude my face is always my Facebook wtf do u want me to say. I use to do a think called outfit of the day, and I stopped that because of him getting jealous to make him happy. But yet others like it (people who weren't Simps) bc they liked seeing other people bc there always at home which I understand bc I like seeing peoples post that has them in it because I get to see people I don't see everyday and it's nice. And don't get me wrong I love texting but I want a break from him sometimes. He texts me every minute he can and doesn't stop. Like I want my free time. The only way I can is if I tell him I'm going somewhere when I'm actually not TvT I go and play roblox. He says I'm not allowed to talk to boys, and one of my friends added him and saw me on his story and he got mad and went off on him. I told him I was asleep around that time but he kept texting me sounding all pissed off and mad. I was worried he'd yell ngl. I hate loud noises or yelling bc of my past. Like my dad sometimes will like drop the meat on the counter and it makes a loud thud and I'll jump a lot bc of it. He asks me if I'm ok, and I just say yeah like normal. He understands I hate loud noises but I only do bc of my mom. She started shit with 1 guy we lived with he was a bad alcoholic and one day I slept on the floor by the door and all and she came in and slammed the door so I sat up and she told me to come over where she was and as soon as I got up I hear a loud bang on the door and I stopped to the ground litterly and just started to cry I couldn't move I was frozen. I didn't know what he was doing till we saw our stuff at the door when the cops came. And ngl I was sad that happened, the dude use to keep to himself all the time till I started to hangout with him. He let me hold his guns and everything.  He was be coming chill, he would have a fit if someone was coming to sit on the couch while he was gaming but for me he was chill and let me watch and ask questions. TvT I was having a bad day once and when I came home he gave me gum. Ik u might think why gum? I love gum like I LOVEEEEE gum, it was surprising actually. Nobody else remembered my fav "candy" I don't like candy candy I'm more gum kinda and my family never listened, but I told him that 1 time and he got me gum a month later I was so happy about it. Some Alcoholics do have a heart, just don't judge a book by its cover. Like ik someone who I was with, there was a bit of an age gap but still. To me as long as u aren't 10+ year difference then I see nothing wrong with it. Unless ur like 11- dated a 20+ that is a hell no.  But me and him had a age gap, I was fine with it but everyone else wasn't. They called him a pedo bc of it. But how is he a pedo? He never fucked me, nor have we ever met so explain how he is a pedo. All we did was talk and call sometimes. And let me just say -_- no matter what u weigh, or what ur height it. Ur perfect the way u are, and let me just say. If any girl dated a "bigger" guy  and hurt them from there weight I will litterly drag u to hell and and kill u very very slowly and painfully. In my opinion bigger guys are better TvT there like warm teddy bears I'll take one gladly -_- if u hate that u can fuckn off. I'd rather date a "bigger" guy then a muscle man, they try hard and most likely cheaters aswell.
TvT don't ask how these go from 1 thing to another. My head does this a lot so might as well get use to it -_-.
Im excited for Halloween though, I decided imma be Pyramid Head for Halloween if you don't know who that is there from Silent Hill it's a horror movie but it's also a game too. But it's funny I'm gonna wear a crop top, a skirt (we have to cut it and stuff) and then my lovely stripper boots 🤣🤣🤣. My dad said I can and he'll hold only my arm the whole time bc I won't be able to see shit in the dark with a big as helmet on. If u wanna see message me and I'll send a pic of whichever part u wanna see clothes or the head and sword.
I'mma end it here

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