☆~||Chapter 1||~☆

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Me: I'm cursed to keep thinking of ideas *facepalms* But this idea hit me in a dream. Sadly, I don't know who she'll end up with...any help? (I won't do Ban, sadly, but I can do Reader x Ban one-shots. And no Meliodas, cause there's a reason behind that.) But I'm leaning towards Arthur since he doesn't have much love. My poor boy qwq Also, this will be a long chapter. Enjoy~

Words- 2793


It was always the same routine for me. Wake up early, go to school. Go home, do some homework, eat a snack. Watch my favorite shows, eat dinner, shower then bed then rinse and repeat. It has been like that since I started first grade, and it's getting old and boring. So I started to get lazy...can you blame me? I'm smart in all my classes, but not super smart with A+. I mostly get B's and I only got an A+ in PE, I'm the fastest person in track and I enjoy the thrill of the wind hitting my face and the adrenaline pumping in my veins. As you can't tell, I like to move...a lot. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a little kid, I could NOT sit still for the life of me. I would always run around, so yeah...I was a little shit - excuse my language, but that's what my aunt always called me. 

I think my aunt never liked me since I had sass and I put pumpkin orange hair dye in her shampoo because she insulted my mom for marrying my dad and having me. My mom's side of the family is stringent people and boring. Always being told what you can and can not eat or do, that's hell on wheels right there. 

But lately, since my school has been talking about 'what do you want to do for your future?' And I can't seem to think about it. Like that's a huge serious question, but also will screw with your mind. What's worse, my parents were pressuring me into getting into college already. Saying 'You should always be one step ahead.' Yeah, it sucks and I just want to stay home and maybe do a job to earn money, move out, and live on my own. But my parents were against it. I love them, truly I do. But it's MY life, not theirs.

So here I am on a hill, sitting while staring up at the dark sky where many beautiful shining stars shine so brightly above everyone. I would always sneak out at night, come here, and watch the sky. I don't know why I always wanted to stay in this spot and watch the sky. Was I waiting for something or someone? It's frustrating not knowing why I feel this way for years and years, but I kept coming here at this time, and the same spot. Letting out a breath of air, eyes close for a minute opening them slowly while looking up, but gasp in awe eyes widen in amazement as shooting stars start shooting across the sky. {What the shooting stars she sees is below.} 

It was a beautiful scene, it was like many fairies shooting across the sky

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It was a beautiful scene, it was like many fairies shooting across the sky. That's when I snap out of my trance, to realize I can make a wish! I clasp my hands together, in a prayer position but fingers flat around each hand, under my chin closing my eyes.

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight," I muttered under my breath, then started thinking of one wish. "I wish to be far from this place, I just want to get away. I know it's a selfish wish, to run away because I have nothing good here. I have wonderful parents and great friends...but I don't feel like I belong here. I can't even figure out my future. Thank you."

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