☆~||Chapter 11||~☆

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Me: Here's chapter 11~ Enjoy~

Warning! Swearing!!


Things turn for the worse, found out Diane was slowly losing her memories. At first, she was losing memories of Elizabeth, me, and Hawk. She lost memories of Meliodas and the Sins now, so she took off back to her home and we were off chasing after her. I was behind the counter while they talked, I was in a daze thinking about my situation and whether I should tell Arthur my feelings or not, I was conflicted. While I was thinking, I was mindlessly drying the plates in the back by the sink not realizing someone walked behind the counter in the back where I was standing drying the dishes.

"Lady Sara... Lady Sara?" 

I jumped, startled when I was snapped out of my thoughts when a hand touched my shoulder. I whirled around, hand over my heart. It was just Arthur himself, it's ironic that he's here when I was just thinking about him.

"Geezes, Arthur. You startled me!"

He smiles sheepishly, rubbing behind his head.

"Sorry. I tried calling your name, but you were so deep in thought you didn't hear me. So, I touch your shoulder."

Calming my racing heart "It's okay. Sorry for spacing. With everything going on..." I trailed off softly looking away to the sink, it was half-truth.

"I understand. What happened to Lady Diane is concerning. I do hope we catch up to her soon, it's not safe with her memory slowly leaving her."

I nodded slowly "Yeah..." 

"Lady Sara?"

"Hm?" I turn my head to see a concerned-looking Arthur.

"Are you...okay?"

"...I'm okay, just...like I said before with what is happening. Sorry, I'm not myself at the moment." I gave him a small smile, hoping he wouldn't push it. I can't allow him to ruin his life...I can't risk it.

"If you're sure..."

I nodded but froze sensing this evil aura. The pressure of the aura made me almost collapse, but I grabbed onto the counter sink.

"Lady Sara!" Arthur rushes to my side, placing one hand on my back and the other on my shoulder. "Are you sure, you're okay?"

"Y-yeah...it's just...I-I sense an evil aura. I-I'm not used to sensing is all..." I told him gasping softly.

"That's truly amazing-- N-not say your pain is amazing--" I chuckled as he rambled in panic as he said something bad.

I silenced him but placed my index finger against his lips seeing his cheeks turn crimson red. I pulled my hand away standing straight again.

"It's okay, I understand. Let's go outside...maybe d-- Meliodas knows something." I mentally scolded myself for almost calling Meliodas my dad.

He nodded, and we both walked out just to see everyone was too, just staring in one direction. King spoke sounding frightened, even his voice cracked from the fear.

"A mass of devastating power is heading towards us at top speed!"

"Uhhh!!?" Hawk was shocked. 

I went to walk down the short steps to stand beside my dad, but a hand grabbed mine stopping me. I blinked and turned around to see Arthur was the one who grabbed my hand, stopping me. 

"Stay put...please. It could get dangerous." He spoke sternly but with a gentleness in his violet eyes of his.

"...." Sighing softly, I nodded and moved back to my original spot. "Fine..." I pouted, hearing him chuckle lightly. I turn at him sticking my tongue at him, like a child.

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