☆~||Chapter 2||~☆

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Me: Here's chapter 2~ Oops, I forgot to mention everyone's ages, I want to higher some of the characters' ages to fit the plot. Their new ages will be below. Enjoy~

Meliodas- 3,000+ (duh xD)
Elizabeth- 20 (she originally was 15-16 but I aged her up don't like, tough, it's my story~)
Arthur- 17 (I upped his age by one, his original age was 16)


Boar Hat

No One's POV

"Over here~!"

"C-coming sir!"

A long silver hair beautiful girl wearing the Boar Hat's uniform rushed over holding a round wooden tray with three mugs of alcohol but her clumsiness hit her, tripping over her nothing falling causing the three alcohol mugs to land on the three men that are now covered head down with alcohol. The girl realizing what happened quickly scrabbled up on her feet bowing multiple times, apologizing as one of them grew angry, while the other two laughed pulling the mugs off their heads.

"You clumsy bimbo!" He snapped standing up and slamming his hand on the table getting everyone's attention.

But the guy froze when an arm was placed around his shoulders, he looked to his right side blue lines appearing over his face in fear seeing a tall man wearing a leather red outfit, has short, spiky, pale blue hair and thin black eyebrows, and scarlet-red eyes. On the left side of his jaw and extending down to his neck, he has a large scar which scared the guy even more. Red is spread across his cheeks, showing he's pretty much drunk but still sober a bit.

"Who you talking to, bub?"

"I-I uh, n-no one sir!" The guy squeaked out, swallowing harshly.

"Good~" He stands straight but still with a slight slouch, moving his arm so his hand is harshly placed on the guy's shoulder, gripping it. "It's time for you and your buddies to leave."

"Y-yes sir!"

The guy and his two buddies ran out of the Tavern doors with tails between their legs. The young lady frowns in worry hugging the wooden tray to her chest.

"S-sorry Sir Ban, I didn't mean to trip..."

She looks down in shame, close to tears. He smirks and walks over patting her head, she looks at him with her uncovered blue eye.

"Don't worry about it, Princess. Just next time no rushing, that's why you trip all the time."

Her eye lit up, smiling brightly nodding "O-okay. Thank you, Sir Ban! I'll be more careful next time." She happily turned around and walked over to the counterbartop where the owner of the Boar Hat was smiling widely while cleaning the empty mug.


"Hmm, hey Elizabeth. Can you go into town and get some more barrels of alcohol? I already had put an order for some barrels, so they will be able to bring them but they need a signature I'm kind of busy taking care of the place--"

"Yeah right, you lazy jerk!" A big pig jump kicks his head sending him to the floor.

"S-sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth rushes behind the counter to 'Meliodas' who is sitting up frowning and rubbing his head.

"Ow... Anyways, can you go sign for me? Take Hawk with you, though."

"O-okay. Come on Hawk, let's go."

The two set off into town, going to the store where Meliodas ordered the alcohol barrels. Elizabeth signed the paper, but what awaited the two when they got out back where the barrels were, they didn't bother to carry them saying they could do it themselves.

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