☆~||Chapter 22||~☆

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Me: Here's chapter 22~ Enjoy~!

Word Count - 2194


Last Time on 'Seven Deadly Sins: The Shooting Star'!

"You stay the hell away from my daughter!" Dad stood in front of Arthur and me. I felt rage from dad.

"Hehe...you can't stop me fools! I will devour Arthur, and I will make sure as my first job as King of Chaos, I'll make Sara my Queen."

I was sick and horrified at his words, why does he want me? And why does he want the power of Chaos so badly...? There's gotta be a way to snap some sense into Cath, he may be acting evil but I want to save him. he must be consumed by the power of Chaos...right?"


"Now, let me eat you already, Arthur!"

Everywhere we stood was darkness, but suddenly this... mouth-like thing was sucking us all in. I clung to Arthur as he held me close.

"It's going to suck us all in! Be careful! This isn't an illusion!" Dad shouts out, sending his demon power attack, Ban does the same with his weapon. 

Merlin did the same "Exterminate Ray!"

"I can't tell if anything we're doing is working. What a fricking pain in the ass!"

I sweatdrop seeing Diane punching like a wild animal stuck in a cage.

"Come on, hurry! We have to get out of here!"

"This is bad. None of us have our Sacred Treasures and we're drained from our fight against the Demon King."

I teared up "Arthur..."

"I know... Cath," He looks towards where we are being sucked into. "I just have one question for you. What exactly am I to you?"

"Why my tasty, delicious meal that I've waited so long to enjoy, of course. Don't delay me any longer. Let me eat you!"

I gasped softly when Arthur glowed brightly, causing me to close my eyes. I felt one of his arms wrap around my waist and hold me close to his chest. I opened my eyes blinking to see we were back! Arthur was holding a sword in his other hand. It reminded me of the Holy Sword, but it was black and white, the handle has one white wing and the other side has a bat-like wing.

"When the Holy Sword has fulfilled it's role as a key, it will become a true Holy Sword and return to it's master's side." Mini bat wings and angel wings were flapping around Arthur and me as Arthur glares at Cath with such coldness and determination.

"I'm so overjoyed! You're amazing, Arthur! Ooh, I can't stop drooling. Let me eat every last teeny morsel of your entire being! And don't worry about Sara...I'll take good care of her~."

I felt his arm around my waist tighten, I looked at his face to see his eyes narrowed more, I felt nothing but rage but I could sense he was keeping himself calm. He closes his eyes.

"I'm relieved to hear you say that," My eyes widen when I turn back to Cath to see him charging at us! I went to leave Arthur's grip. "Because it means I can strike you don't with no hesitation."

And right when he got close, Arthur swung his new Holy Sword form down slicing Cath straight down. And there was an explosion. I felt Arthur's body panting heavily, he placed the tip of the Holy Sword down on the ground and turned to face Merlin and the others with an exhausted look.

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