☆~||Chapter 24||~☆

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Me: Here's chapter 24~ Enjoy~!

Word Count - 2162


"Wh-what happened?" I spoke meekly.

"What you most likely wet through was like a future possibility. A glimpse of an as of yet uncertain take on this world." I froze hearing his voice.

Tears stream down my face, hearing his voice sounding young when we were young still. So I was in a possible future? It felt so vivid but I was so happy Arthur was alive, and still by my side. I felt his arms still wrapped around me, so I turned around in his arms hearing him go 'Huh? Sara?' I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest as I sobbed.

"I-I'm s-so happy you are still h-here." I started babbling nonsense.

"Sara... What happened in your possible future?" He spoke softly, holding me closer and stroking my head gently to sooth me.

My whole face burned hot "We um...w-we got married," I felt shyness, and happiness at what I told him.

"That would be nice, huh?" He spoke softly squeezing me gently, then I realized Cath was still in front of us. Why aren't the others doing anything?

"Arthur! Is she--" 

"She's alright! But I don't think any of us will be for long. unless we find some way to defeat him." I grip onto him tighter realizing Cath really is still here.

"That's an exercise in futility. I can't be killed. Arthur will be eaten by me and then I will become fully unified with Chaos and swallow everything!"

I felt realization hit Arthur, did he realize something?

"Arthur?" I whispered.

I felt him squeeze my waist gently as he whispered back.

"Don't worry...I have an idea. Can you step behind me please?"

Frowning, remembering he told me to do the same thing before Cath ate me in that possible future. It terrified me, I shook my head and buried my face into his chest.

"Sara? ...Hey, whatever happens, I'll always come back to you. So please, trust me."

I felt his warm hands cup my face making me face him, then I felt a quick peck on my lips by his. I let out a breath of defeat, I moved so I stood behind him now.

"I know how to defeat you!" Arthur shouts out full of determination.

"Hah! That's funny, Arthur. So you say you've figured out how to defeat me. Do tell. If chopping me up won't kill me, then will you crush me? Burn me? Melt me? All of the above perhaps? It doesn't matter. I'm going to eat you whole before you get the chance!"

I grip on Arthur's back feeling the ground moving, I trust Arthur with all my heart and soul.

"You're wrong. The one getting eaten will be you!"

That's when I started to hear everyone, were they finally snapped out of whatever Cath put them under?

"Wait a second. What were we just doing?"

"Everyone! Are you all awake now?" I heard my dad call out to everyone.

Diane gasps "What in the world is going on here?!" She shouts in fear.

I really wish I could see what was going on, but it was for the best. Arthur must be doing something. 

"If I can't defeat you, then I'll absorb you! Cath Palug will cease to exist, and I'll take back all the Chaos that you've stolen!"

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