☆~||Chapter 12||~☆

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Me: Here's chapter 12~ Enjoy~


When the others watch as the distraught girl runs off. Arthur took a step forward to follow her to make sure she was okay, but Jenna held her arm around in front of him to stop him.

"Please, allow me to go after Lady Sara, Lady Jenna. I don't wish for her to be alone--"

"I understand how you feel, but you need to only concern yourself with getting stronger."


She sighed, brought her arm down, and placed her other hand on her hip. 

"How about this; I'll go check on her after you all enter the cave of training? No harm will come to her...she is an important guest here, after all, I promised her father she'd be taken care of while he is busy." 

Everyone looks at Jenna in shock and bafflement.

"Wait...so you know her father, Lady Jenna?" King spoke up smiling, looking happy. He can probably tell Sara the good news! After all, he and the other Sins knew she was searching for her parents.

She huffs, turns around walking back to the front of everyone to the entrance of the cave.

"No, I will not tell you who her parents are. That will be revealed soon, just focus on getting stronger." She explained to them about the 'ash staffs' that were protected by magical power and such. "Right! Is everyone ready? Okay, step inside and begin!"

Everyone -- set for Merlin and King stayed back since Merlin can't do much in her 'condition'. And King just feels conflicted. Gilthunder and Howzer almost did it, but they were sent out of the cave.

"Well...it's time I go check up on our little Princess--"

"Allow me to go, Lady Jenna..." Hendrickson suddenly spoke up, standing up not far from them. King narrowed his eyes, glaring at him. He knew he caused him pain, making him kill his best friend two times but whatever he did to Sara was so bad to cause his friend to be so distraught.

"And why should you go check up on her?" King asks him sternly, tightening his fist at his side.

"....." He stays silent, looking away to where Sara ran off too.

"Well? Got nothing to say? So tell me, 'why' you should go find Sara whatever you did to her caused her to have nightmares! So, what gives you the right to want to check up on her!!?" He yells out, his body shaking in rage.

Hendrickson flenches remembering what he has caused that young fifteen-year-old girl, but he has to make amends and show her he truly is sorry and would do whatever it takes to make it up to her. 

"Enough..." Jenna steps forward. "Whatever Hendy did, he must make amends to her...even if she does not accept--"

"I won't give up on owning up to my mistakes...I will risk my life to make sure I'll show that child, I'm sorry...'sorry' won't always work, but I won't stop until that day she is ready to forgive me...even on my deathbed or in the afterlife. I'll wait for it, even if I know for a fact I do not deserve such a thing." Hendrickson confessed with a solemn look.

"Why don't you go check up on her, Hendy?"

He nods and starts walking in the direction Sara runs off to.

"I still think I should've checked up on her, and not him." King scowls, not happy.

"Too bad. Anyway, you should be thinking of joining them."

He stayed silent, frowning "I got a question; what did Hendrickson do to her?"

Merlin and Jenna look away from his stare, making him more upset.

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