Chapter 8

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The Lion Guard were walking through the desert to find the next Moja Kwa Moja stone. They had just found the one that was a group of four stars in the night sky. Now they needed to find one with a desert on it. Fuli saw Kion walking ahead of her. He stopped and Fuli heard him whimper. He put his paw up to his scar briefly.

Fuli walked up to Kion. "Are you okay?"

He didn't reply. He started walking forward.

She walked over to Kion and blocked his way.

"You should rest, Kion," she told him.

"I'm fine Fuli!" Kion gave her a glare. He walked to the head of the group.

"Anga? Can you spot the next Moja Kwa Moja stone from the sky?" he asked the martial eagle.

"Yep," she replied. Anga flew up into the sky. Fuli stared up after her. A few moments later Anga flew back down. "I see it! It's not too far from here."

"Great," Kion replied. "Let's go."

But by the time they got there, they were all hot and exhausted.

"There's the next Moja Kwa Moja stone." Anga motioned with her wing to a  stone with a small painting on it nearby. Makini walked over to her and pressed her bakora staff against the stone. The painting of the dessert disappeared and was replaced with a painting of the Tree of Life. Suddenly, Fuli heard a noise. It was a small cobra slithering close by them.

Fuli saw Kion stare at the cobra, his paws shaking. She could see his fur standing on end. Fuli could sense fear coming off him in waves. When the snake disappeared from view, Kion relaxed. Fuli could see why he was afraid. He received a very serious injury from one, and he would be scarred for life.

"Okay guys," Kion began. "Let's go." The group looked disappointed. Fuli could see why. They were tired and exhausted from the day, and this place would be the perfect place to rest and take a break.

"Kion, they could use a break. You could too." Fuli told him.

She expected his answer to be arrogant, and she was right when he snapped, "No! We keep going!"

The Guard sighed.

I tried my best. They all reluctantly followed Kion out of the clearing.

Then, the Guard heard a noise, it was a little fawn that appeared from the forest. "Help!" it cried. At the sight of Kion, Anga, and Fuli, three predators, it began to run.

"Wait!" Bunga called. "They won't hurt ya!"

The fawn turned back. "A-are you sure?"

"O-okay. I-I'm lost," the fawn told them.
Fuli noticed Kion rolling his eyes. "We don't have time for this," she heard him mutter under his breath.


The Lion Guard walked on. They had found the fawn's parents with the help of Anga. They then needed to help a coyote who's den collapsed. They also saved an eagle's chicks when they were in danger of heat stroke when they were lost in the dessert, they helped the chicks find their way home. The entire time Kion acted as if the animals they had helped were a nuisance or an obstacle on their way to the Tree of Life. The Guard were all tired. It had started to rain.

"It just had to rain right now, didn't it? I mean come on! In the middle of the dessert too!" Fuli complained.

"C'mon Fuli! Water isn't so bad!" Bunga splashed in a nearby puddle. The water flew up into the air before landing on Fuli.

"Ugh! Seriously?!" She shook her fur off, purposely on Bunga. He laughed. Fuli was annoyed.

"Come on Bunga and Fuli! We don't have time for games!" Kion growled. Fuli was partially startled by Kion's sudden outburst. They continued walking without a word.

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