Chapter 3

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"What's going on?" Fuli asked Nala in a whisper, confused as to why she kept her from joining her friends.

"There's something I have to tell you," Nala said. "We can't talk here, come with me to the back of Pride Rock."

"Okay...?" Fuli said, both confused and a little annoyed. Couldn't she have picked any other time to talk to me? We need to get going to the Tree of Life. Kion's counting on us.

They both made their way out of the Lair and to the back of Pride Rock. When they got there, Nala sat down. "Fuli, you only have time for me to tell you this once, so please listen," Nala begged. Fuli then saw the tears that were starting to well on the lioness's sky blue eyes. Suddenly, any irritation disappeared and  was replaced with concern.

"Nala, it's okay," Fuli tried her best to comfort her, even though she had no idea what was going on. "Are you okay? You can tell me, okay?"

"A-alright," Nala replied, the nervousness evident in her voice. "Fuli, I know you and Kion are really close, and I need to ask you something."

Fuli leaned in, listening.

"When Kion told me the Pride Lands were launching an attack on the Outlands, likely the final battle between them. "Kion might have never came back from that battle. I was scared, scared to lose another son. The thought that I might never see Kion again..." Nala trailed off.

"Another son?" Fuli asked. "What are you talking about? Kion's your only son...right?"

Nala started to sob, more tears rolling down her cheeks. Nevertheless, she continued. "Not long after when me and Simba were crowned King and Queen of the Pride Lands, we had a cub, not Kion or Kiara, but a different cub. That cub's name was Kopa." Fuli was overcame by a mixture of shock and curiosity. "Kopa was very special to me and Simba, and all of his friends too. But, one day, he was playing with one of his friends, and a lioness approached them. It was Zira."

"Zira?!" Fuli exclaimed. "But why was she in the Pride Lands?"

"This was before she and her family were banished," Nala explained before continuing her story, "Zira approached him without him seeing her, and once she was close enough..." Nala broke off for a moment into shaky sobs. "Kopa tried to run, but Zira was too fast, and she... she..." Nala couldn't continue, instead she burst into tears.

Fuli was horrified. "Nala... I'm so sorry." Fuli was at a loss for any other words. What else could one say in this situation?

"Zira killed Kopa to make Simba feel the same pain she had felt when she lost a loved one." She said. Tears were now slowly streaming down her cheeks. "She did this because Simba killed her beloved, Scar. Sometimes I still blame myself. I could have saved him. But Zira was faster and a better fighter than I was. I came home with many injuries, all which miraculously healed, thank the Great Kings and Queens." Nala then broke down, sobbing hard. After a few moments, Nala tried to recompose herself, and she finally spoke again, "I can't lose another son, Fuli. Adopted or not."


"Nala? What do you mean?" Fuli asked. Her tone was a mixture of confused and serious.

Nala took a deep, trembling breath. "Kion is not my son."

"What?!" Fuli shouted loudly. Her heart almost stopped. She couldn't believe this. Kion isn't her son?! This has gotta be some sort of misunderstanding! I didn't hear her right! "You aren't serious?"

"I am..." Nala replied, trailing off. She lowered her head, guilt written all over her face. "I took him in from another lioness who couldn't keep him."

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