Chapter 7

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The Lion Guard were still on the journey to the Tree of Life. Now, they had to find a Moja Kwa Moja stone that's a rock with a painting of the sunrise on it. Fuli walked near Kion, concerned. Kion had been acting very unwell in the past few days. Tossing and turning in his sleep, never feeling hungry or thirsty, and always tired. Fuli knew what was wrong. His scar. It was affecting him more than Fuli thought it would. She saw Kion suddenly stop and bring his paw up to his scar briefly, whimpering. Fuli looked on with pity.

She walked up to Kion. "Kion, are you okay?" she asked worriedly, even though she knew the answer.

"I'm fine, Fuli." Kion replied, his voice raspy.

You're not.

The lion then turned to look up and Fuli. When he did she saw his eyes, no longer bright and joyful, but cloudy and miserable. She then saw Kion try to hide a yawn.

"Tired again... We can rest here if you like," she said, motioning to an empty cave nearby.

Kion shook his head. "N-no I'm fine. I c-can k-keep going," he stuttered.

"Rephrase: you will rest here," Fuli told him dominantly, worried about his health and well-being. "You're pushing yourself too hard."

"No!" Kion protested. "I already told you I'm fine!" He then tried to stand up tall to prove it, but when he did Fuli saw his paws shaking. "Let's keep going," Kion said firmly. He then walked to the head of the group.

Fuli walked over to Makini. "Makini?"

By now Makini knew what she meant when the cheetah asked her in that tone. "Okay, Fuli. Tuliza coming up." She then looked at the gourd that she stored the Tuliza in. She frowned when she looked inside. She looked back up at Fuli. "Um... I think we're out."

Fuli sighed. Makini really needs to do a better job keeping track of the Tuliza. She walked towards the head of the group near Kion, frowning when she saw his condition. His fur and mane were dirty and tangled. His eyes were cloudy. His head hung low. Fuli wished she could do something about it; she cared for the lion more than she even knew.

She then remembered something; the secret Nala told her. Oh, what I wouldn't give to tell Kion the truth. He deserves to know... but he isn't ready. He's going through so much right now... and telling him now would make everything A LOT worse.

'Kion is not my son.'

Fuli couldn't help but avert her gaze to the cloudy sky, replaying the words Nala told her in her head. She felt bad that Kion had never known his real mother and father, whoever they were. She knew that Nala was wrong to never tell Kion that her and Simba weren't his real parents. And Simba didn't even know himself! Fuli looked at Kion. She would tell him the truth when the right time came, when he was feeling better, but she definitely wouldn't hide it from him for no reason like Nala.

Kion suddenly stopped. He swayed for a moment, then shook his head and pawed at his scar. Fuli walked up to him. "Are you okay Kion?" He didn't answer. His chest rose and fell in deep, labored breaths. "Kion?" she asked again, louder this time.

"I-I'm f-fine," he replied through a breath. He then continued walking. "Let's just get to the next Moja Kwa Moja stone."

They then continued on.

"Anga-" Kion spoke through deep, labored breaths. "Do you see the-... next.. Moja Kwa Moja-... stone..?"

A flicker of concern was visible in the usually stoic eagle's blue eyes. Anga flew up to get a better view. "Yep," the eagle replied. "Just past those hills over there." She motioned with her claw to some steep and tall hills nearby.

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