Part 3

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Silence encompassed the room, besides a faint sipping. Raven, Vernal, and you were sitting within the large tent, the mentioned two sitting across from you, staring. You on the other hand, were casually sipping from your cup with a plastic straw from behind your mask, said mask's eyes closed. Eventually, you paused, lowering the cup and straw and opening the mask's animated eyes.

Y/N: You know, tea is better hot-

Raven: Who are you really?

You sat silent staring at her, blinking a few times before responding.

Y/N: Did you forget my name already? It is Y/N.

She scoffed.

Raven: And what are you doing here with a horde of grimm acting like your servants?

And to that, you laughed.

Y/N: They attacked me, so I simply put them in their place; made them realize they shouldn't have done that in the first place with a little. . .

You pondered a bit looking for the right word.

Y/N: Punishment.

Raven: And you expect me to believe you were able to make them submit to you as if they were just some type of animal?

Her voice was much more irritated than before, which Vernal noticed quickly and attempted to calm her down with a hand placed on Raven's shoulder, but of course:

Y/N: Yes? They seem like any other animal to me.

You shrugged casually, and continued sipping on the tea with your straw. Meanwhile, Raven was just flabbergasted. She was contemplating on what to do in this situation; she was expecting a different answer to how you managed to somehow make grimm of all things submit to you, or a refusal of an answer at least. She was even more surprised by how you simply acted like it was normal, as if you were just a child who found simply found a poor puppy and took him in. Eventually, after a long while of thinking, she made up her mind on what to say next.

Raven: Where are you-

Y/N: Can I have more tea? I seemed to have finished mine.

You were gently shaking the now empty cup, the straw no longer there; as if it never existed. Of course Raven silently noted this.

Raven: I'm afraid that's all there is.

She lied of course, for she needed you to answer some questions; best to not have a distraction or excuse to not answer.

Y/N: Alriiight.

You slightly whined like a child, placing the cup on the table, and gently shoving it to the side. Your full attention was on her now; exactly what she wanted.

Raven: Now, like I was asking before: Where are you from?

You simply stared in silence.

Raven: Well? I'd suggest answering, lest you know what is good for you.

Her hand slightly hovered over her sword's hilt, but you just kept staring at her face.

Y/N: Are you. . . threatening me?

She froze. Despite the childish voice and tone behind the mask, she couldn't help but feel that she made a major mistake. But she quickly composed herself.

Raven: No, as long as you answer my questions honestly it will simply be a warning.

Y/N: Hm.

You brought your hand to your chin, slightly rubbing the bottom of your mask as its eyes closed in thought. 

Constellation (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now