Part 18 (Ze lemon)

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I can't stop saying lemon without a French accent. 


While I may be a man of standards, I can't exactly go against the Author's wishes.

So uh... here it goes?


"Want to take a shower?" Yang asked you. You looked at her strange expression, confusion finding a way onto yours. You thought about it for a bit. You could probably sort your thoughts out properly after getting refreshed. So, you nodded in agreement. "Alright!" She stood up and pulled you along by your hand.

It took you a few seconds to realize what was wrong. "I-I can get there myself!" You exclaimed. However, she only chuckled in amusement, still pulling you into the bathroom. Once you were in, she closed and locked the door. Your mind was racing at a thousand kilometers per second. Why was she in the bathroom with you?! 

Oh poor buddy.

As your mind was frying, Yang took the time to get the water of the shower going. She occasionally put her hand in the stream of water, checking the temperature, and turned the knob each time. Eventually, she was satisfied with the heat of the water. Once she was done, she turned back to you. 

And without a moment's hesitation, she began stripping. Your mind and heart started racing even faster as a large blush grew on your face. You immediately turned away from her, covering your face with yours hands. "W-What are you doing?!" You questioned. 

"I'm only getting ready? You don't expect me to take a shower with my clothes on, do you?"

"B-But why am I here?!"

"Because you are getting in with me~"

You began thinking of the implications, and some quite naughty pictures formed in your mind. However, you began shaking your head to get those lewd thoughts out of your head. You didn't want to think of anything disrespectful to her. Of course, you were very much oblivious to her intentions... or just too innocent? 

"Come on, are you going to get those clothes off, or do you want me to help you with that~?"

You stumbled on any words you tried to get out of your mouth. And in a panic, you spoke out, "I-I can do it!" You mentally berated yourself. Though, you ultimately—with a lot of hesitation—took your clothing off. Once you took them off, you held them with one hand while you drew a small pattern with your other. Your clothes vanished at once after registering the hex. And now, you stood still, unsure of what to do. You kept your hands covering your crotch, still facing away from her. 

She of course, just mentally giggled at how shy you were. So, with her footsteps being deafened by the noise of the running shower, she stepped over to you. And without a moment's notice, she grabbed your arm and pulled you over to the shower, much to your reluctance. You lifted your gaze straight up and closed your eyes as the hot water hit your back. You knew she was standing right in front of you, completely naked. You tried your hardest not to picture her body, however it was quite the damn struggle. Suddenly, you felt her hands on your cheeks (the face ones). "Y/N, you can look you know?" She said. However, you told her that you did not wish to disrespect her figure in any way. She laughed at your response, "A beautiful girl is presenting her body to you for you alone to look at. If anything, it would be disrespectful if you didn't ogle at it." You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately opened your eyes slowly. She brought your gaze down to her face. You stared straight into her eyes, as if they were hypnotic. "Right now, my body is all yours." She then gave that same devilish smirk of hers again, "And yours mine."

She then smashed her lips against yours. You could feel her tongue lapping around your lips, unsure of what she was trying to do. However, she then did you quite dirty by pinching one of your nipples. You let out a small yelp of surprise from the unexpected sensation. She used this opportunity to stick her tongue straight into your mouth. Your tongues entered a strange duel of twists and swirls, which she—of course—won. Her tongue explore each and every part it could of your mouth cavern.

Your mind was melting from these new sensations. It was not functioning properly. It was from this that your hand was accidently brought up, and touched one of her breasts. She pulled away from your lips as she gave a small moan. You swiftly tried to bring your hand back down, thinking you did something wrong. However, she grabbed your hand. "It's fine. Besides, I liked it~" She said, bringing your hand back to her chest. You slowly caressed it, savoring the feeling of it in your hand. It had a softness to it that gave you a strange sense of calmness. 

Yang giggled as she watched your reaction. However, another idea popped in her head. "Want to try sucking it?" She asked. You snapped out of your trance and looked up to meet her gaze. But, she then pulled your face straight into her bosom. Her nippled grazed your lip, and in the next moment, you put your mouth over it. You began sucking on it, letting your tongue swirl and dance along it. While you were doing that, she began using one of her hands to scratch your ears. The sensation from your ears boosted the speed of your tongue. However, a new sensation from your crotch broke you out of this state. Your head and body shot up straight from the pleasure as you let out a gasp. "For someone as cute as you, it is bigger than you'd expect," she whispered into your top ears. 

She began grinding your erect member along her pink opening, nibbling on one of your feline ears. You couldn't think, you were in too much pleasure. All these new and strange sensations were clouding your mind.

You were in heaven.

Your heart was beating fast, your breaths were rapid, your hands were holding tightly onto her back, and her smoldering breath was felt on your sensitive faunus ears. You were moaning out from the pleasure, which she used as an opportunity to stick her tongue back into your mouth with another kiss, eliciting a muffled moan from both of you. The strange wetness being rubbed against your hardened length made you shiver in delight. Her belly grew taut as her legs began tensing up with her increasing speed, rubbing your member even harder. You felt something strange deep inside you, and oh boy was it coming out.

"Y/N~!" Yang let out as she ripped her mouth from yours. Her cry echoed in your ears, which only brought you closer to your end. With a final cry from both of you, she pulled your head straight into her chest as strings of white substance shot out from your member. 

You both gasped for breath, using each other to stay standing. Not a word was said throughout your pants for air.

I don't get paid enough for this.

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