Part 15

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"So... this is what Atlas looked like from the outside," you mumbled to yourself. You beheld the sight of the floating city, in its futuristic delight. There were many skyscrapers and towers, all seemingly with a white and blue color scheme. At the center of the city, you saw a massive structure towering over the surroundings. You assumed that was where Ironwood would be.

It didn't take much longer for the ship to arrive at the crescent-shaped airport, so you equipped your mask back on your face. However, just when you thought the ship was going to start descending towards it, the ship kept moving forward. It seemed you were going straight to Ironwood. That saves some trouble you guessed. So, it took a couple extra more hours but you eventually made it to a large pad for the ship to land on. Winter, team RWBY, and you exited the ship—in that order—once it had docked. Winter immediately began conversing with a dignified and superior manner to a few personnel standing nearby. You felt the cold wind blowing against your body as you took a deep breath. You heard them talking about something too systematic for you to really understand, or at least want to. Yang gave a small joke about how Atlas was exactly how she expected it to be. You snickered quietly as Weiss huffed with crossed arms. Winter eventually came back over you to all, and began to escort you along with a few guardsmen for protection—though you probably didn't need them. If anything, this just drew more eyes to you all as you walked through the sleek, metal halls of the large structure. 

"Is it just me, or is this place filled with people our age?" You finally asked. Weiss moved slightly faster for a second to be able to walk next to you as she started explaining. According to her, this was Atlas Academy. Apparently, Ironwood was actually the headmaster of his own academy—just like Ozpin. You told her you thought he was the general of an army, to which she said he also was. In addition to that, he also held seats on the Atlas Council. In your mind, you summed him up as: pretty damn important.

Soon enough, with the a hand signal from Winter, the guards saluted and then departed right as you all made it to a large set of double doors. "Remember to show the general respect," Winter sort of instructed you all. Team RWBY gave their meek nods, as you just shrugged. When you stepped in, your eyes instantly scanned the room. The office was circular in shape, featuring dark blue metallic walls and windows. The floor depicted constellations in the form of golden stars. You silently noted that he was an astronomy lover, as were you. In the center was a strange circle pattern with a star in it. Finally, you looked forward. You saw Ironwood sitting at his desk. The two of you seemingly made eye contact—though he only saw the eyes of your mask. His expression was stern, but yours was loose. He stood up silently, making his way to the center of the room as you all made your way to him. You all finally stopped in front of him, with you at the front. You looked up at him, as he did down to you. Then, he grasped your hand and gave them a soft squeeze. His expression was so much more softer now. To be exact, he looked super relieved—as if thousands upon thousands of tons had been lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you for coming, Y/N." You smiled, as everyone behind you had their own look of shock and surprise. "These past few days has been surprisingly stressful thanks to..."

"The monster?" You asked. He hesitated, as he looked to the others in the room. Though you reassured him, saying that they know about it. Once he was reassured, he nodded to confirm your suspicions. 

"I had tried sending multiple teams of high-tech forces to scout out the thing. However, each time any of them got close to it, they vanished. Any recording visuals or audio ceased when they came in a certain radius around it. So, we had scanned the area around the creature to see what was happening. What came up was... something we had never seen before. A new type of energy, to abnormal and powerful for anything we have to be of use." He explained. You thought for a moment, until a very wild idea popped into your head.

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