Bucky Is Imprisoned

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Chapter 19

Steve said, "We have to somehow detain Bucky. So that he and Loki won't fight anymore." Tony said, "We could PUT LOVER BOY in the cage I design for the Hulk because IT'S UNBREAKABLE." Loki yells at Tony, "HE'S NOT HER LOVER BOY! I AM! She's mine and I'm not giving her up to Barnes or anyone else!" Serena told Loki to calm down, "Loki try to relax and calm yourself. Stark is just being Stark. He doesn't know what he's talking about." Tony said, "Really "Red Sonja." I think I know Barnes better than you." Steve and Thor get in between Tony and Loki before they start to fight. Steve said, "Let's put Bucky in that cell until we find The Enchantress. So, she can TAKE THIS DAMN SPELL OFF OF HIM." Steve tells Natasha to open the cell door, while they put Bucky inside. It took Steve, Tony and Thor to put Bucky in the cell. Bucky was yelling the whole time, "Nooo....SHE'S MINE NOT HIS!" Serena was doing her best to keep Loki calm, but it wasn't easy. They finally got Bucky in the cell and shut the door quickly. Bucky started hitting the glass of the cell and he was still yelling. Serena asked Steve, "Will that cell hold him?" Tony interrupts and says, "I designed that cell to hold The Hulk and if it can hold him, it will hold Bucky." Serena looked confused, "Why would you need to put your friend in a cell?" Steve said, 'Sometimes The Hulk can get out of control. So, we put him in there for him to calm down. He eventually changes back to Bruce." Serena looks over at Bruce and asks, "You change into The Hulk?" Bruce said, "I can't always control my emotions and that's when The Hulk comes out. He's not always easy to control."

The Enchantress went to the control room and saw that The Avengers had Bucky in a cell. The Enchantress said, "This won't do at all. I need to get him out of there. If my plan is to work. I have to get The Avenges out of there so I can make my move." Suddenly "Jarvis" said, "Mr. Stark the intruder is close by. Shall I take the appropriate procedures to catch the intruder?" Tony said, "Yes, lock down The Avengers Tower." All of sudden ALL of the doors started closing all around The Enchantress. The Enchantress realized what was happening, The Avengers were trying to capture her. She had to move fast to move fast to try and get away. "Jarvis" said, "The intruder is trying to escape, Mr. Stark." Tony said, "We'll take it from here, just to tell us what area she's in." So "Jarvis" told The Avengers that The Enchantress was in the hallway outside of the control room. So, The Avengers went after her. 

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