Loki Saves Serena

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Chapter 24

Loki looked up and saw Dr. Strange, floating in the air. Loki demanded, "Where did you send him to? I want to know, NOW!" Dr. Strange came down to stand on the floor. Dr. Strange tells Loki, "I sent him to where he needs to be." Loki said, "WHERE!" Steve said, "I told Dr. Strange to teleport Bucky BACK INTO HIS CELL." Loki asked, "WHY? I WANTED TO KILL HIM!" Steve said, "That's why I told Dr. Strange to do it. To keep you two from killing +each other." Loki tells Steve, "YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT! You saw with your own eyes what he was trying to do to Serena!" Steve said, "Because of The Enchantress' spell." Steve looked over at The Enchantress and said, "Which she will remove NOW!" The Enchantress smirked at Steve and said, "Who's GOING TO MAKE ME!" Loki said, "I will you evil bitch!" The Enchantress just laughed. Loki goes over to The Enchantress and grabs her by the throat. Loki said, " YOU WILL RELEASE BARNES NOW!" The Enchantress struggling to breathe said, "I...I...can't ....do it ...in here" Loki released The Enchantress and said, ''Then go to the prison cells and release him from your spell and no tricks OR I will snap your neck!" Thor tells Loki, "Brother, you can't do this. You need to check on Serena. I will deal with The Enchantress." Thor starts to walk over to The Enchantress. Then suddenly The Enchantress tries to sneak away but then Wanda uses her magic to stop The Enchantress. Wanda said, "Oh no, you don't." Then she hits The Enchantress with a red bolt knocking The Enchantress unconscious. Wanda said, "That should hold her for a while." Wanda encircled The Enchantress in a bubble so she wouldn't escape.

Loki went over to Serena to check on her. Loki took Serena in his arms and held her tight to him. Loki said, "It's going to be ok now. It's all over now. I won't let anyone else hurt you again." Serena put her arms around Loki and started crying. Loki stroked Serena's hair to calm her. Finally, she stopped crying. Loki whispered in Serena's ear, "It's ok, darling I'm here." Steve said, "I hate to break up this touching moment, but we still have to get The Enchantress down to the prison cells. So, she can release Bucky from that spell." Loki said, "You go. I'm staying with Serena" Serena tells Steve, "I don't want to be near him." Steve said, "I PROMISE you he won't touch you even when he's back to normal.' Loki said, "I'm holding you to that Captain America!" The Enchantress was just coming to, when she saw Loki holding Serena in his arms. She said, "No, this can't be. You are supposed to be broken up NOT in each other's arms." Thor said, "Your plan failed Enchantress. All it did was bring them closer together." The Avengers went to the prison cells with Wanda using her magic to bring The Enchantress, who was still trapped inside Wanda's magical bubble. When The Enchantress saw Bucky, she said, "Slave, get The Avengers and get me out of here. Bucky tried breaking the cell, but he couldn't. The Enchantress said, "No it can't be." Tony tells The Enchantress, "I built that cell for The Hulk, so he wouldn't break free if he ever got out of control. So, there's NO WAY BARNES can escape!" The Enchantress's eyes grew big because she knew she was beaten.

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