First Day of School

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As per usual, life in Paris resumes after Shadowmoth's attacks. A few streets away from the Dupain-Cheng bakery, Dalia Rodriguez had just left home. She and her family had recently moved to Paris from London because of the things happening at every school Dalia enrolled in.

"Dalia, don't forget to have a good impression in school and please behave", said her father, Mr. Rodriguez through her phone.

"I know father, I'll try my best to not be involved in trouble or be the root of it", she mumbled.

"Good. Now I'll be coming home late tonight so you know the routine".

"Yep, just cook something from the fridge and make sure Ada is in bed by 8pm. I know", Dalia responds.

"Now, have a good day at school, Dalia", Mr Rodriguez answers and ends the call.

After a few minutes, she arrives at the school.
'Finally. I hope the students here have some common sense unlike the last set of schools.' she thinks to herself.
As she enters the school, BAM!

"Hey! Watch where you're going dude!", she exclaims as she composes herself. "You better hope my violin isn't broken".

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you and if your violin is broken, I could fix it?", the boy replied. He bends down to help Dalia up and gather her belongings.

As she looked up at him, she noticed his warm, concerned expression. The way he immediately decided to help her up, was new to her. Nobody had ever treated her nicely besides her father and sister. That's when she noticed his unique hair, raven haired with turquoise tips. He also had a guitar on his back. Turns out she had bumped into Luka, who had just dropped his sister off with his bike.

"Thanks I guess", Dalia mumbles.

"No problem, but I really didn't see you there", Luka replied. He checks her violin and no scratches or broken strings were found. "Well, your violin is in perfect condition." He hands it to her in its case.


"Oh man, I'm late on my first day! All thanks to you!", Dalia groans as the school bell rings.

"Wait, which class are you in? Maybe I could help you find your class at least?", Luka suggests.

"Fine, I'm in Mme. Bustier's class."

"That's actually my sister's class. It's the first door on your right, second floor at the back staircase."

"Thanks now I really gotta go!", Dalia says as she rushes off.

"What a weird guy."

*Dalia reaches the classroom and barges in, panting*

"SORRY I'M LATE!", she pants.

"It's ok, you made it just in time so you aren't late. What is your name?", Mme. Bustier inquires.

"Oh, my name is Dalia Rodriguez. I'm fifteen years old and I just recently moved to Paris with my father and sister. Nice to meet you all."

"Welcome to Paris, Dalia", Rose warmly said.

"Class, please make sure he is welcomed here in Paris and in school", Mme. Bustier announces.

"Um Mme. Bustier, I'm a girl not a boy", Dalia says as she corrects her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to", Mme. Bustier apologizes. "Anyways, you can choose to sit next to Lila in the back or sit across from her in the back."

"Thanks", Dalia responded.

She makes her way to the back, across from Lila when she hears a certain brat make a comment.

"You must certainly be of the lowest of the low, for you to accept being called and dressed like a boy", she snickers. Yep that was our everyday spoiled, entitled daddy's girl, Chloe Bourgeois.

Dalia turns around immediately and is quick to retort a snide comment.
"I didn't know there was a walking, talking idiot around here. But seems like I found one. Let me call the Guinness World's Records authors and let them know so thanks to you, I'll be famous!", she returns in response. Then she turns and makes herself comfortable in her new seat.

"Why you little...", Chloe starts.

"Chloe, settle down please and Dalia, I know you're new here but we don't say things like that in this class. Especially if they are negative and directed towards someone", Mme. Bustier interrupts. "Now, open your books to chapter eight where you all did your homework from last week."

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