Step 3: Kill

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"Because I'm fair...I'll give you a head start. Run", she said.

Of course they ran! Since Mari's home was next to the park, they hid there. Marinette snuck off to her room to transform but to her utter shock, Assassin from the park was sitting in her room.


"How did you get here?!", the bluenette exclaimed.

"Not that smart to hide. Well, I'll make this quick", the villain said retracting a curved sword and placing it by her throat.

"Mari!", Luka yelled appearing from her trapdoor.

"One wrong move and your lovebird is gone."

"Don't worry Mari, just stay calm", the boy said trying to think of a way to save her.

"While you think of a plan to rescue her, I'll be taking a little trip with her", Assassin snickered, grabbing Marinette and leaping out the window.

"Marinette!", he cried watching them go further and further away in the distance.

Assassin dropped the girl mid leap which caused Mari to fall on a nearby balcony. She was dazed for a minute and looked around for the villain or anyone else in sight. Once the coast was clear, she transformed into Ladybug and swung away on her yo-yo. The heroine was soon hit by a powerful punch to the ground. Standing over her was Assassin.

"Finally the bug's come out to play but where is your feline?", the villain scoffed.

"What do you mean? I'm right here!", Cat Noir said landing next to Ladybug.

"Thanks Cat, now let's get her", she replied whilst he helped her up.

They got in fighting positions but to their surprise, Assassin ran away. They followed her which led them to Marinette's place. Ladybug quickly prayed that she wouldn't find the kwamis and miracle box. The villain leapt onto the balcony and went inside the girl's room.

"Where do you think you're going?", Cat Noir said extending his baton to block the villain.

"It's none of your business, cat."

Ladybug used her yo-yo to trap her in the room but didn't count on Assassin using her weapons to destroy her yo-yo.

"H-How did you do that?", the heroine asked in shock, watching the pieces of her yo-yo drop to the floor.

"That's my little secret. Now hand over the miraculous and nobody will get hurt", the villain answered.

"Never!", Cat Noir yelled doing a fencing match with the villain.

Ladybug didn't know what to do. Her only weapon was destroyed so no lucky-charm and no way to restore any damages. She couldn't get another miraculous or else her identity would be exposed.

"What's wrong, bug? Feeling lost without your weapon?", Assassin sneered kicking Cat Noir which caused him to land on Marinette's Cleopatra couch.

Ladybug blocked out her voice and attacked. The commotion brought two people up from downstairs. Luka and Dalia.

"You two, perfect timing", the villain said going after the two teens since they ran. Unfortunately they were caught and dragged back to Marinette's room. Ladybug regained her composure and realized that her partner wasn't getting up from where he landed after Assassin's blow.

"Cat Noir, come on! Get up!", the heroine said shaking him and tapping his face. "If this is a ploy to get me to do CPR on you so you'd get a kiss, I'm not falling for it."

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