Lone Wolf

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Dalia went back to school the next day, avoiding everyone since she didn't want to deal with any questions to be asked. During class, Mme. Bustier announced a new project to be done in pairs of three and everyone had the opportunity to choose their partners. The ones who didn't were automatically paired. The pairs were; Chloe with Sabrina and Lila, Kim with Max and Nathaniel, Juleka with Rose and Alix, Ivan with Mylene and Alya, Adrien with Nino and Marinette which left Dalia by herself.

'It's not like I need any of these people anyway', Dalia thought.

"Um, Mme. Bustier, Dalia doesn't have a group to work with", Rose piped up.

"I now realize that, I forgot we are now a class of sixteen and not fifteen", the teacher said.

"I'm fine working by myself, so please continue with the point of this project", Dalia replied causing the discussion to die.

"I guess so. Anyways this project is about choosing a character of importance and doing research on them. This is a group project so everyone must pitch in to help", Mme. Bustier announced to the class.

"Mme. Bustier, when is this project due?", Marinette asked.

"This is due in three weeks from now so that should be enough time to complete your research. If there are any concerns or questions, address them to me at least one week before the due date."

Everyone understood what was required of them. The teacher gave them the rest of the class time to discuss the person of importance they would do research on. Three of the groups were getting on well while the others hit snags.

Chloe refused to cooperate and Lila's 'tinnitus' was acting up so poor Sabrina was left to do all the work plus guess who the character was.

Queen Bee, the infamous hero otherwise known as Chloe herself.

The other group was with Adrien, Nino and Marinette. They got along better but had minor setbacks due to Marinette's simping for the sunshine boy. Besides that, the work was sort of easy since they chose to do Ladybug.


School ended and students were pouring out of the building, planning to hang out and relax since it was Friday. Dalia was descending the front steps when Marinette came up to her.

"Hey Dalia, I know you're going to get your sister but do you want to pass by my place for a quick minute?", Mari offered.

"Thanks Mari and actually, my sister is staying by my aunt for the night so I'm free", the girl answered.

"Great!" Mari motioned for her to follow and they went to the Dupain-Cheng bakery owned by Marinette's parents.

"Ahh Dalia, welcome back", Sabine said greeting the girl as they stepped inside.

"It's good to see you again, Ms. Cheng", Dalia replied.

The girls went upstairs to Marinette's bedroom and the kwamis had to quickly hide. One was unfortunate to almost make it, Sass. When Dalia was in awe of the room, her eyes fell on Sass, who was on the table and trying his best not to move.

'Wait, that looks like...it can't be....I have to ask Mari', Dalia thought.

She picked Sass up and showed it to Marinette, who looked slightly horrified to see Sass in her friend's palm.

"Mari, what is this snake figure?", the girl asked.

"Ummm, it's something new I've been working on for Alya's sisters and Nadia Chamack's daughter Manon to play with. I-It's a plushie sort of thing", Marinette answered nervously. She prayed Dalia wouldn't question further.

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