Second Chance

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Luka was able to untie himself and he pulled Scarlet-Cobra Noir into a kiss before she finished her sentence. She tried to resist but the love in her heart for him won over. They landed on the ground and kissed again. When they broke apart, Luka confessed to her.

"Dalia Rodriguez, I know I've hurt you and annoyed you at times and I'm sorry. I've been in love with you but never knew the right words to say to you. Now I do know them. You are an amazing girl with a powerful mind of her own. For these past few months, I've gotten to know you a whole lot better and you are this sweet, gifted, musical girl. I know it's been rough for you and I'm grateful that I've been able to be there for you. I love you", Luka said.

"I don't know what to say...", Dalia replied in shocked. "You can't love me...Look at what I've done...I'm not a good person Luka. You don't really know me."

"What do you mean, Dali?"

She sighed heavily and looked down. He soon lifted her head so her eyes could met his.

"I've changed school three times. I've been taken advantage of by guys who use me for their own reasons. I've never been able to defend myself till my mother died. Jocks and bullies soon abuse me but I hide them before I arrive home. Until a day something broke in me. I-I sent someone into the hospital...but I somehow enjoyed it. It's happened multiple times going undetected until I was caught. That's how I've changed schools thrice. I have been dealing with her death hard....She was my best friend!", Dalia cried falling on her knees.

"When I learned of our move to Paris, I remembered I heard about Ladybug and Cat Noir and what their powers could do. So I made my plan to get my mother back. But along the way I met you, Luka. You've helped me a lot but I was blinded by my depression and anger...and here we are...", she answered.

Luka hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. It was a whole lot for her to go through especially her past abuse. He was slightly pissed but calmed down for the quivering girl in his arms.

"Dalia. It's all in the past now. I know what you did was wrong.....but I understand. I still love matter what", he said softly, wiping the girl's tears.

He helped her up and they untied Adrien and took the knives out of Marinette's clothes. Dalia released herself from the akuma and amok and purified them. She called out lucky charm and said 'Miraculous Scarlet Viper Night!". Everything was restored.

Dalia detransformed and transformed into Huntress. She didn't want Marinette and Adrien to remember what occurred, especially each other's identities. The girl used her power to change their memory of what happened and placed their miraculous in their respective places. She soon grabbed Luka and they left through the window. Huntress took Luka back home where they stayed there to talk after she detransformed.

"I can't believe you were Huntress, Dali", Luka said softly.

"Yeah...Do you remember the heirloom that I said my mom gave me before she died?", she asked.

"Yes I do."

"That heirloom was my miraculous....It's an armlet with the mark of a wolf. It belonged to one of my ancestors...", the girl replied showing him it.

"Nice...", he said.



They stood there looking out at the water for sometime and no conversation was shared. Soon the girl's phone rang in which she had to answer. It was her father, Mr. Rodriguez.

"Dalia...I don't know how to say this to you but...we have to move to Bordeaux, another part of France...", he said.

"What?! I can't leave father. Please! I can stay with Aunt Penni!", Dalia begged.

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