Luka's Pov

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Actually, there wasn't an akuma and Luka hadn't disappeared. Something drew him to one of the empty classrooms.

Luka's pov
When I walked in, I noticed Mari and her friend Alya on the stairs. Even though Mari was the one to break up with me, I wanted to make it up to her. I started to walk over and that's when I heard the melancholy harmony.

'What is that? It sounds like a violin but sad', I pondered as I made my way over to one of the classrooms. 'It seems like it's coming from in here.'

The sound was coming from one of the first classrooms near the school's entrance. I followed it and peeked in to see who was playing such depressing, troubled but enchanting music. It was the guy who I had bumped into that same morning with the violin case. He looked at somewhat peace as I observed how he played. Soon he turned around and stopped playing.

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?", he confronted.

"N-no I wasn't stalking you, I just heard your music and I wanted to know who was making that enchanting sound", I replied apologetically. "I'll leave if you want. I didn't mean to intrude your playing."

"Wait, you really think it's nice?", the guy questioned.

"Yes I do, and it seemed like it was missing something. Or if it was meant to be a duet", I replied. I noticed his expression softened and seemed slightly down.

"It's actually a duet I'm playing. The other person who was playing with me, can't anymore", he struggled to say. I felt his music was saddened by the thought of his music accompaniment. I offered to played along with him, which he gently refused.

"No, I'll be fine and sorry I snapped at you earlier", the guy apologized.

"It's alright, I forgive you." I noticed his expression lightened up and I just spent the rest of the time in the classroom chatting about music with him. I never thought I'd found someone who shares the same love of music with me. Suddenly the door opened and a teacher was standing there looking a bit angry. I guess we both stayed too long in there.

"What are you kids still doing here!? It's already 6pm!", she shouted at us.

"We're so sorry Miss, we didn't realize that it was so late", I apologized. She immediately escorted us out of the building and closed the doors behind us.

"Wait it was 6pm she said right?", he said panicking.

"Yeah, what's wrong?", I inquired.

"I completely forgot to pick up my little sister!", the guy exclaimed. He started to dial something into his phone and called someone. "Hi Aunt Penni, I'm so sorry I didn't come for Ada this afternoon. I got caught up with something and I couldn't come for her."
Then he went a little far from me to continue his conversation. That's when it hit me. 'I'd forgotten to pick Juleka up too!'

"Hey, um I gotta go now. I have to get my sister from my aunt but it was nice meeting you", he said as he came back off the phone.

"Same, looks like we're both irresponsible brothers. At least my sister had a friend to take her home", I responded sheepishly. To be honest, I secretly hoped Rose would have taken Juleka home for me.

"I'm not boy, I'm a girl. I just have my hair cut short so I'm actually an irresponsible big sister", she chuckled.

"I didn't mean to call you a boy..."

She smiled and surprisingly wasn't offended. "Nah it's ok, I get it all the time. Now I gotta go!", she rambled off. She started to run off and I don't now what came over me but I grabbed her hand.

"Do you want a ride?"

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