Life or Death

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Her body felt limp. It wasn't broken but felt weak. Her eyes struggled to open but all she saw was a person looking down at her with concern in their eyes. It was a blur of teal and green, that's all she saw. The girl felt as if she was being carried...maybe she was. Her eyes closed again as it was heavy to open.


The girl opened her eyes and saw something bright. She looked around and saw she was laying down in some sort of meadow. Having looked up, a figure was coming towards her and took the shape of a woman. As the woman got closer... she recognized the face.

"M-Mom?!", she stammered.

"Come here sweetheart", the woman said smiling.

Dalia got up and ran to her mother and hugged her tightly. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing and looked up at her mother's hazel eyes which she shared with her.

"I've missed you so much mom", Dalia said happily till something dawned on her. "Wait, how am I able to see you?"

Her mother's smile weakened at her daughter's question. She sighed cupping the girl's cheeks.

"'ve had an accident...Right now, you're between dying and living...", her mother replied softly trying to hold back her tears.

"W-What...?", she said trying to understand. "H-How did this happen?"

"I do not know...but all I know is that, you have to go back Dalia."

"B-But what about you, Mom? Ada, Father and I need you!", the girl begged.

"You don't need me, honey. I've been watching over you since I left that world behind. You've been coping all this time without me. I see you have a handsome friend", her mother answered with tears flowing.

"That's friend. He saved me...didn't he?", Dalia mustered to say.

She nodded slightly. "My have so much life left to live. I know how rough it has been since I've passed, with your father working so hard and Adalynn to take care of. Just remember that it's not only you who's going through grief. Your father works hard to numb the pain and shuts everyone out just like you", the woman said.

"I never thought about it like that...I've been unfair to him."

"Now please...promise me you will take care of your sister and look out for your father. They both need does your 'friend'. Ok?"

"I promise...Will I ever see you again?", Dalia asked sadly.

"In your will. I love you, Harmony. It's time for you to go back", her mother replied smiling.

They shared one last hug and held each other tightly while closing their eyes. When Dalia opened hers, all she saw was Viperion's worried and concerned face.

"Dali, are you ok? Can you hear me?", he said shaking her slightly. "You can't die...I can't lose you!"

"I'm awake dummy", she replied weakly.

He embraced her tightly and kissed her on the lips. Viperion explained that an incoming car was heading towards her and she collapsed in front of it. The car hit the girl but due to his quick rescue, she wasn't badly injured. Dalia had lost consciousness and stopped breathing for a few minutes, thankfully she revived somehow; he explained.

"I saw my mom when I was out cold...", Dalia started to say.

"What did she say?"

"She approves of you...and that I might have been too harsh with my father", the girl answered. "I need to be more understanding of him."

"I can help you if you want", Viperion said smiling.

"Thanks Rome- AAHH MY HEAD!", Dalia cried clutching her head. When she removed her hand, thick blood stained it. She started to feel dizzy.

"I'm going to get you to a hospital, Dalia! Hang in there!", he replied lifting her up and running towards the hospital.

Dalia was immediately admitted and was operated on since when the doctor did some tests on her, he found that she suffered some brain damage after the accident. It had been hours and doctors and surgeons were still operating on her. Her father, sister and aunt accompanied by other close friends prayed for the operation to go well.

At nearly midnight, the head doctor, Dr. Andrews emerged from the operating room. Mr. Rodriguez immediately went up to him and asked him how his daughter was. Dr. Andrews couldn't say much about his daughter's health and the state she was in since it was private information which he could disclose after the operation.

Everyone was soon sent home since it was after hours but Luka couldn't bear to be without Dalia. If he couldn't stay, Viperion could. He found a place to transform and leapt into Dalia's room where they kept her. Fortunately the window was slightly opened so he went inside. He wished his eyes could've deceived him because his heart broke when he saw the girl he loved looking helpless and hooked up to all the machinery around her.

Viperion went up to her and looked at her freckled olive face that had bandages covering the top half of her head.  He called her name and carressed her pale cheek but no response. The only thing that made him know she was still alive, was the beeping life support in the room hooked up to her. Tears flowed as he couldn't bear seeing her like this. If only he was faster in saving her, she wouldn't have to be in the hospital. He knelt down next to her hospital bed and cried wishing he could've rescued her sooner. Then he remembered who caused her to run out from her home....

Mr. Rodriguez.

The person who made her feel overwhelmed...

Mr. Rodriguez.

The person who didn't think about her happiness....

Mr. Rodriguez.

It all added up to Viperion and his blood boiled. His Juliet was in this position because of her problems caused by her father. 'If it wasn't for him, Dalia would've never run out and fainted in the road. It's because of him, she's been going through all the grief and pain by herself!', Viperion thought angrily.

He clutched her hand and squeezed it lovingly. 'I'm sorry I was never there for the times you needed me the most. I'm sorry for being so blind to your love all this time. I wish I could go back and make things right', Viperion thought smiling through his tears looking at Dalia.

He rested his head on her hospital bed and a few moments later, he felt something brush by his hand. Viperion looked up in hopes that it might have been Dalia finally responding...but to his disappointment it wasn't.

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