Huntress' Rescue?

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After their rainy adventure, Luka took Dalia to his houseboat where his mom, Anarka and sister, Juleka helped him tend to Dalia's wounds. His mom teased him about Dalia being his new girlfriend whilst they both blushed at her comments. Dalia had stayed over at the Couffaines' place for the rest of the day and got to know Juleka a lot better. They became fast friends and soon Dalia was invited to one of Kitty Section's practices. As it was nearing seven in the evening, Dalia was preparing to leave until she received a sharp pain near the bruise on her side. Luka decided it wasn't safe for her to go home in that condition and offered for the girl to stay over for the night till morning came.

"That's sweet of you Luka but father will be wondering where I am this late", Dalia responded while sitting next to him on his bed.

"But Dalia, you're hurt and it's late. What if something happens especially if you get another pain like that?", Luka said trying to change her mind.

"I know but my father isn't as understanding as you may think he is, Luka."

"At least tell him, the worst he could say is no and we'll find some other way to get you home safe", the boy said. Dalia knew he was right plus, she'll get to spend the night with Luka. Although she may seem tough and a tomboy, only one person besides her sister could get to see her soft side and that was Luka.
"Fine, I'll do it", Dalia playfully groaned. After a long talk on the phone, along with a side order of scolding, Mr. Rodriguez allowed his daughter to stay over until he could come get her in the morning.

After having some Chicken Fricassee, Gougères and Apple Tart, Luka and Juleka helped Dalia with the air mattress next to Juleka's bed. After everyone went to bed that night, Dalia snuck out to talk with Aargus.

"Hey Aargus, sorry I scared you like that", the girl said sheepishly to the kwami.

"It's ok, all that matters is that you're ok, Dali. Are you planning on going for patrol tonight?", Aargus asked her.

"Yeah I'm still going even though my body isn't a hundred percent yet, let's do it."

"Alright if you say so, but what if Luka or his family wakes up and sees you gone?", the kwami said.

"That's true, unless we create a trick like the ones we use to lure Ladybug and Cat Noir. That can work", Dalia suggested while looking out at the calm water.

"You're right so what are you waiting for?! You know what to say!"

"Aargus, let's hunt!", the girl recited as her pajamas turned into her alter ego form. "Now, Ambush!"

Right in front of her, a figure that was her twin appeared. As she was about to control her illusion-like sentimonster, Luka unfortunately saw her on the dock.
"Dalia, get away from her!", Luka said running up to them.

'How unfortunate that he appeared but, this can still work out in my favour', Huntress thought quickly. "Try and stop me!", she said, grabbing the illusion-like sentimonster and leaping away.

"Dalia!", he cried, watching them leaping into the distance. 'I have to save her but how? If only I had my miraculous, I could have chased after them. I need to find Ladybug and Cat Noir, I really hope it's their patrol night', Luka quickly thought, putting on some clothes and cycling out to try and follow them.

After running on rooftops for a while, Huntress stopped, sat down and gazed at the night scene of Paris. 'It's beautiful. Especially since there's still a drizzle', she thought. Suddenly there was a commotion happening near her, where a robbery took place and they were armed with weapons. Luka, unfortunately was riding nearby and got caught in the fight.
"Give me that bike kid!", the robber said grabbing Luka by the shirt and threw him to the side.

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