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The Jessie/Leon thing was a subplot in the trilogy I wrote, and I decided to turn it into its own story. Please know that this is more of a satire on the popular ship than anything else. I don't really love shipping children (I mean, if it's like, two kids crushing on each other, that's different, but still). I know that even though this is a satire, it's still pretty bad that I wrote it anyway. I hope everything I said above helps you understand why I wrote this and that you don't think any less of me after reading.

When I was working on the first few parts of this story, I sent a draft to my friend to read. He told me that Jessie reminds him of Scarlett O'Hara: hateable but relatable. I was pretty flattered that he would compare my trashy ship fanfiction to Gone With The Wind. Thanks for that, Matthew. I decided to dig up an essay I wrote last year about Gone With The Wind (I love romance, so I read it a while ago). Scarlett is now decidedly the basis of Jessie in this story now, since they are both rash and make poor decisions on a whim. Since this story is a satirical twist on the popular ship, I think it all works pretty well.

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