Part 5

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It was time for Jessie to replenish her stock. She snuck to the marketplace whenever she was out of potions. She could only buy a few at a time, since she only earned so much in tips every week.

Byron never questioned her. He had started giving a discount, since Jessie was a good customer.

"Mr. Byron," Jessie said when she finished her purchase, "Do you use these love potions yourself?"

Byron seemed amused. "Me? No, I don't need them. I have real love, which is much better."

Jessie still didn't understand what he meant by "real love." What she and Leon felt for each other was pretty real. Anyone in love without a potion would feel the same way Leon felt for Jessie.

"What's the difference?" she asked.

Byron thought for a moment before answering. "Well, she makes me feel like a better person. When I'm around her, I feel safe and supported. Whenever I see her, I feel happy and relieved."

"Huh. So she lets you win whenever you're against each other in brawling matches?"

Jessie thought about her Gem Grab match against Leon.

"Hey, can you let me win this one?" she had asked.

"Sure, whatever you want," he had responded.

Leon, in return, had earned her gratitude and a kiss afterwards. That obviously made it worth it for him.

Byron answered, "Um, no? If someone made such a request, they obviously don't actually care about or love the person. They're just taking advantage of the other person's feelings."

That had left Jessie feeling slightly distressed. She hadn't thought about it that way. But still, it was fine. She was making herself and Leon happy. She understood what love was. Byron was just overthinking it.

Byron could hardly hold in his laughter whenever he talked to Jessie. Her naive and childish understanding of love was hilarious to him. He had considered the prospect no longer stocking love potions, since real love was truly that much better– he would know. He expressed those thoughts to his partner.

"I just feel bad allowing people to experience that terrible, fake, watered-down feeling, you know. It's absolutely nothing like what I feel for you," he had said.

His partner just shrugged. "I think it's kind of funny," she said. "You shouldn't feel bad selling them. You never felt bad about selling poison, right? How is this any different?"

She was right. Besides, Jessie was a good customer.

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