Bonus Chapter

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Colette's fanfiction of Leon and Jessie, as mentioned in Part 1

Jessie: Hi, Leon!

Leon: Hi, Jessie!

Jessie: Wanna play some duo showdown?
Leon: Yeah ok!

After the match

Leon: That was fun! :D We did pretty well!
Jessie: Yeah! I gotta watch out for Edgar jumping on me though. Lucky Scrappy was able to save me!
Leon: You are the best girlfriend ever, Jessie! I love you!

Jessie: I love you too!
(They kiss)

Colette: Omg hi Jessie and Leon!

Leon: Oh it's Colette! She is super cool!
Jessie: Hi Colette!

Colette: You did so well in Showdown just now!

Leon: Thanks! It's nice to see you Colette! I brought you a gift! It's a lollipop stick from a lollipop I was eating just now!

Colette: Wow this is so cool! Thank you! I will treasure this forever! <3

Jessie: We should go now, Leon. I have lots of stuff planned for us today!

Leon: Yay!

They hold hands and leave

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