Part 7

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Warning: The following part contains spoilers for Backstage Pass and Burning Days. I would suggest reading those first, since honestly I think I did a better job writing them than this story.

The relationship was all Jessie could have ever wanted. Leon was doing everything she wanted a boyfriend to do. The biggest problem was Nita. She clearly disapproved of their relationship and was obviously suspicious. She didn't want to hurt her brother by forcing them to break up, so she let them be. Jessie tried to avoid her and usually invited Leon to see her at the garage instead of going to his house.

They were lying down outside together staring at the night sky. It was warmer than usual for winter that night. A chilly breeze made the blades of grass flutter. The only sound was the faint thud of Pam's hammer in the distance.

"I love you so much, Jessie," Leon said for the hundredth time. "I've never felt anything close to what I feel for you. I don't know what I'd be without you."

Jessie turned onto her side. She used to love it when Leon said such things, but maybe she was a bit bored of it now.

He continued, "I'm so lucky to have you. I don't know why you chose to be with me. I really am the luckiest brawler ever. Seeing you every day is like watching the sun come out."

Jessie felt no joy from what he was saying. Of course he felt that way. Jessie had created those feelings for him, after all.

If only she didn't take their last few days together for granted. Little did she know that everything was about to fall apart.

Jessie brought Leon to a party Emz was hosting. It was kind of a treat for him, since there would be lots of candy. Jessie wandered around while Leon headed into the kitchen.

She found herself in the living room. It was early, so there weren't a lot of guests yet. The only other person in the living room was Fang. Jessie had just read the most interesting article about him in a gossip magazine and seized the opportunity to ask him about it.

"Oh, hi Fang!" she said, sliding on the couch next to him.

"Um, hello. Jessie, right?"

"Yup. Is it true that you and Janet broke up?"
Fang stared at her, surprised by the question. "Where did you hear that?" he asked, choosing his words carefully.

"There was an article about it in Starr Life. 'Brawllywood's Hottest Couple Calls It Quits'. That's a shame, since you're in a movie together right now. People think you dumped her for Lola."

Fang shut his eyes and took a deep breath. After he seemed calmer, he turned toward the doorway and yelled, "Colette! Get over here!"

Fang's friend peeked her head into the room. "What's up?"

"Colette, did you tell Starr Life that I broke up with Janet?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?"
"I didn't want you to tell a gossip magazine! I said I wanted the news of our breakup to reach Amber!"

"Oh. Sorry. I think it worked, though."
"Ugh! Fine, as long as it works. But Starr Life? Seriously?"
Jessie had no idea what they were talking about.

"Anyway," said Fang, returning his attention to Jessie, "I didn't dump Janet for Lola. It's... complicated."

"Did you love Janet?"

"Of course I did."
"What was your relationship like, then?"
Fang thought for a moment. "Well, I feel like we really respected each other. We could be honest around each other without worrying about being judged. It was... sweet. Not super passionate, I guess, but I loved what we have. Had, I mean."

Jessie was reminded of her conversation with Byron. Why were both Fang and Byron overthinking love so much? What Fang had with Janet sounded nothing like romance. Love meant passion– how could you have one without the other? This sounded more like a sibling relationship, if anything. A few more guests filed in: Bea, Bibi, and Rico. Bibi frowned when she saw Jessie but expressed her disapproval in silence. Bibi sat in an armchair while Bea made herself comfortable on the floor at the base of Bibi's chair. They all started chatting while eating snacks and sipping sodas.

The hostess entered the room and clapped her hands. "Ahem! Everyone, please be quiet. Poco here is about to play some songs."

Poco stood by the fireplace and strummed some mellow tunes on his guitar. Leon came back at some point with his pockets stuffed with candy. He and Jessie sat together on the couch. Jessie started to doze off. Those songs would really lull you to sleep. She and Leon leaned on each other. Did Jessie fall asleep? Looking back later, she couldn't tell.

She was pulled out of her slumbers– if she had actually fallen asleep, that is– half an hour later by Colette's piercing voice.

"Oh my god, Fang!" she shrieked. She was standing by the window, staring outside with her eyes glued to the glass. "Amber's here!"

Fang sprang up. The bag of popcorn he was munching on fell off his lap, and its contents spilled all over the floor.

"Amber? Amber's here?" He looked panicked. "I'm not ready for this. Ack!"
"Maybe you should go to the game room," Colette suggested. "It'll probably be more private there."
"Good idea." He ran upstairs.

Ohhhh. Everything Fang was saying to Colette earlier made sense now. Goodness, he sure moved on from Janet fast.

Bea came to the same conclusion. "Amber, really? Well, I can't blame Fang. Amber probably wouldn't notice him, though."

"Yeah," said Bibi. "Amber's way too hot for him. He and Janet were really perfect together."

Murmurs of agreement followed.

"I'm sorry, did you say Amber?" Colt had just entered with Shelly following close behind. His shiny sheriff badge was pinned on his vest for all to see. "No– there's no way. Trust me, Amber's way too feisty for his taste. I still stand by the theory that he cheated with Lola."

There was more talking and discussion, drowning out the sound of Poco's music.

Emz stamped her foot. "Ugh! That's it! You guys are so rude! You're, like, totally killing the vibe!"
"Hey, don't worry, Emz," Poco said soothingly. "My coworker isn't too bad. I'm sure she'll light up your party. I promise she won't make everything crash and burn."

Emz calmed down a bit at Poco's words.

"Well," she said, straightening herself, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to liven up the party a little."

The doorbell rang, and Emz reluctantly went to let Amber in.

No one was aware of how lively it was about to become. It wasn't because of Amber, though.

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