Part 12

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"So it was really Byron?" Jessie exclaimed. She needed to talk to him– if only she weren't grounded. What could she do?

Half an hour later, she was running in the direction of the marketplace wearing sunglasses and a hood that covered her braids. Gus had agreed to keep Nani busy so Jessie could sneak away and come back without being noticed.

"You're lucky I have nothing to do," Gus grumbled. He asked Nani to bake cookies with him and read to him, giving Jessie a good hour to take care of what she had to do.

She spent a good ten minutes running around the marketplace trying to find Byron. She finally ran into him when he was leaving Piper's bakery.

"Mr. Byron!" she shouted. "I've been looking all over for you!"
"Um, do I know you?"

Jessie took off her sunglasses. "It's me, Jessie! I'm not supposed to be here right now, but I have to talk to you."
"Oh. I think I know what this is about."

"So is it true that Miss Piper made you tell Nita about what I've been doing?"

Byron sighed. "Yeah... yeah, it's true. I'm the one who told Nita. When Piper found out what you were doing to Leon, she asked me to stop you."

"Everything's ruined now. Leon and I were both happy," she wailed, wiping tears from her eyes.

Byron seemed uncomfortable and surprised by Jessie's lament. "You do realize that happiness wasn't real, right? It was just an illusion created by my potions."

"But you told me they would make someone crazy about me. That's what love feels like, and love makes people happy."

"I can tell you that wasn't anything like love and that you certainly weren't making Leon happy. Look, I have to go. I'm sorry, Jessie. If I knew this was going on, I wouldn't have continued selling to you."

Was Byron really admitting that his potions didn't create happiness, but only an illusion of an emotion? Perhaps what she did to Leon was wrong after all. She actually started feeling a little bad about what she did. Still, Jessie knew what she wanted, and she wanted Leon back. Yes, that was right. No matter what, she knew what she felt for Leon was real. It wasn't over yet– one day, she would win him over for real and earn his love.

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