Part 3

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Giving Leon the potion proved to be a more difficult task than Jessie expected. He continued to turn invisible each time he saw her, which made him impossible to accost. Thankfully, Jessie had an advantage: Leon's shyness. There was no way he would ever tell anyone about Jessie's disastrous attempts to ask him out. If she could catch him when he wasn't alone, there's no way he would run. His friends would ask why he was avoiding Jessie, and he would be forced to tell the truth. Leon, Jessie knew, would rather die than let it be known to anyone, especially his overbearing sister.

Jessie frequented the places she knew Leon liked to go to. Finally, she found him having a picnic outside the Starr Park castle with Nita and Gus. What a hypocrite– didn't he once say that Gus was a bad influence?

"Hey guys!" Jessie called, waving at the trio. For once, Nani didn't accompany her. Pam had dropped Jessie off to stay with Penny for the day. She had managed to sneak away, knowing that Penny respected her need for independence and wouldn't follow her or tell Pam. As long as she returned by the end of the day, no one had to know. Leon, who was saying something to Nita, turned and blushed when he saw Jessie.

"Um, hi, Jessie," he said.

"Ooh, are you guys having a picnic? That's perfect then– I brought you something." She handed Leon a cupcake she had laced with the potion. "It's to say, 'Sorry, Leon.' I was being kind of annoying, so this is for you!"

Leon cautiously took it. He could never turn down sweets, Jessie knew.

"Um, thanks," he said.

Jessie waited a moment. "Aren't you gonna eat it now?"

Nita responded, "If you're not gonna eat it, give it to me!" She reached for the cupcake and tried to snatch it away from her brother.

"No!" Leon said angrily, turning so the cupcake was out of Nita's reach. "It's mine!"

He devoured the treat in a half dozen bites.

Jessie eagerly watched him. Nothing seemed to happen at first.

"That looked delicious," Gus said. "What flavor was it?"

Leon was quiet for a moment.

"Leon?" Gus said. "You okay?"

"Be quiet, Gus. I'm thinking."

Jessie's heart sank. "I'm gonna go now. See you later."

She started walking back in the direction of where Penny's ship was docked. A few moments later, she heard someone run up behind her.

"Wait! Jessie, hold on!" Leon called.

Jessie stopped.

"Um..." Leon seemed to be at a loss for words. "You know how you kept asking me to get ice cream with you, but I said no? I don't know what I was thinking. You're obviously the prettiest and most wonderful brawler in the world. Can we hang out now?"

So it did work– how delightful. "Sure. Let's head to the Snowtel, then. It's a long walk, but they have the best stuff."

Leon leaned in and gave Jessie a hug. He had never done anything like that before. Jessie took his hand, and, together, they walked in the direction of the Snowtel.

Sorry, Leon (Brawl Stars)Where stories live. Discover now