Part 1

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The girl working at the Starr Park gift shop widened her eyes at Jessie's purchase.

"Wow," she said in awe. "I've never seen anyone buy so many lollipops at once. Are you bringing them to a party or something?"

"Nope!" said Jessie. "This is all for Leon. He loves the giant lollipops here, so I'm buying these for him."

Colette started scanning the items. Jessie dug out some cash from her pocket and placed it on the counter. Nani, who was standing behind Jessie, didn't seem thrilled by the purchase.

"Be more careful with your money," she beeped. "Your mother wouldn't be happy."

"It's fine," said Jessie. "I have a lot of tips saved up from the junkyard. All the customers love me."

"You and Leon are so cute together," said Colette, shoving the mountain of lollipops into a plastic bag. "I've seen you together a lot, and I love what you guys have going on!"

Jessie blinked in surprise. "What?"

"Oh," Colette said, no longer smiling. "I thought you and Leon were together. That's a shame– I wrote a fanfic about you guys."

Jessie blushed. Colette really thought they were a thing? Now that she thought about it, it did make sense for her and Leon to be together. She thought about the shy, candy-loving boy, and some images flashed across her mind: the two of them walking along the beach hand-in-hand, Jessie feeding him a dessert at the ice cream parlor, and the two of them lying in the grass at night gazing at the stars. She had fantasized moments like this before but had never thought of sharing them with Leon. Colette made her realize now that Leon would really be perfect for her. She did like him a lot, after all. If there was a special someone for her, it had to be Leon. Jessie left the gift shop with Nani and made her way to Leon's house. She rang the doorbell, and the boy in the green hoodie answered.

"Hi, Jessie," he said quietly. There was rarely excitement in his voice, but Jessie felt that he always seemed happier around her. Jessie went inside his home and shut the door before Nani could follow her. She didn't want Nani to be around for what was about to happen.

"Leon, I brought you candy!" she said cheerfully.

Leon graciously accepted the plastic bag. "Thanks," he said. "Nita's not home right now. Wanna hang out in my room for a bit?"

"Sure." Jessie followed her friend upstairs. They talked for a while, but Jessie couldn't get Colette's comment out of her mind. You and Leon are so cute together, she had said.

"Leon, will you be my boyfriend?" she asked, smiling eagerly in anticipation of his response.

The boy's face turned scarlet. "Um, why are you asking me this?" he asked.

"Because I love you and everyone thinks we should be together."

Leon was silent. "What do you think love is, Jessie?" he finally asked.

Jessie had to think hard for a moment. "Loving someone means you really like them and want to spend time with them. That's how I feel about you!"

"Who put this idea in your head? Were you talking to that guy with the balloons again? I knew he was a bad influence."
"You mean Gus? No, I wasn't talking to him. I just think you should be my boyfriend because it makes sense for us to be together. You love me too, right?"

"Um, Jessie, I think you got confused. Sorry, but I don't want a girlfriend."

Jessie was about to protest when she heard the front door swing open.

"Leon! I'm home!"

"Oh, it's my sister," said Leon. "Sorry, but you need to go now."

He walked Jessie downstairs. Nita glared at her. "Why are you here so much?" she growled. "It's not that nice to show up unannounced."

"Don't worry," said Leon. "Jessie was just dropping off candy. She was just about to leave."

Jessie found Nani still outside and walked home with her. What was it that Leon had said? That he didn't want a girlfriend? That was a shame. Jessie really would have liked someone to share happy romantic moments with.

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