Part 11

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Barley had decided to close his bar for the day, supposedly because of some unexplained crisis. Byron and Piper had been looking forward to getting drinks that night, and the closest other option was the bar at the Snowtel. The atmosphere was tranquil and relaxing. Fluffy snowflakes fluttered down on them as they made their way to the entrance. Crisp pine trees blanketed with snow lined the walkway. Byron held the door open for Piper as she waltzed into the lobby, and they were greeted by the welcoming warmth of the giant fireplace. A magnificent holiday tree took up a corner, and the walls were lined with dazzling lights and garlands. The place was empty now, but it would get very full and busy during the Brawlidays. Piper took off her mittens and shrugged off her coat as they made their way to the bar.

They enjoyed the first quarter hour in silence. Drinks were refilled, and conversation was withheld. They were both tired from a busy day.

Piper was the first to speak. "Hey, Byron– weren't you asking me not long ago if you should stop selling love potions?"

"Yeah. I guess there's nothing wrong with it though. Why do you ask?"

Piper shrugged. "I was just wondering why you asked me out of the blue."

Byron wondered if he should tell Piper what had been going on. He wasn't exactly proud of selling so many love potions to Jessie without knowing what she had been doing with them. They continued to sit in silence as Byron pondered the dilemma.

Gale, the hotel groundskeeper, approached the bar.

"Hey, mind if I join y'all for a bit? I'm on my break and could sure use a drink and conversation."

"Sure thing," said Piper.

Gale sat down and ordered his drink. "So what are you fellas talking about?"

Piper responded, "We were talking about Byron's love potions. He doesn't know if he wants to sell them anymore."
"Oh, interesting," said Gale. "Why's that?"

Oh well, thought Byron. I guess I have to tell them now.

"You know that girl Jessie? She's been buying them from me for months, and I have no idea what she's been doing with them. I don't like how she's bought so many, but after discovering real love for myself, I don't want so many people kept under their effects."

"Yeah, like I said," said Piper, "It's not that big of a deal. I figure this gal's just buying them for pranks or something."

"Wait, Jessie?" said Gale. "Oh, that sure explains a lot." He explained what happened in that Gem Grab match where Leon purposely lost. "She and Leon are still together," he added. "They have been for months. I didn't realize this was why, though. Oh– my break is over. Can't keep Mr. P waiting long, heh. It was a real pleasure talking."

When Gale was out of sight, Piper exclaimed, "Wait, that's what she's been doing? Byron, you have to put a stop to this."

"Wait, what? You think I should stop now?"

"I know what it's like to suffer from an unwanted obsession. I had no idea Jessie was keeping Leon under those terrible delusions for so long. Please, you need to do the right thing! I can't let you do this to the poor kid anymore."

Byron sputtered, "I– what can I do?"

"Just tell the truth to Leon's family, and they'll stop Jessie. She probably doesn't realize she's hurting anyone."

"I can't do that! They'll hate me forever for allowing this to happen."
Piper's eyes welled with tears. "Then I can't talk to you right now. Find me later after you've done the right thing." With that, Piper sprang up and ran out of the Snowtel. She was covering her face with her hands and sobbing. She did have a flair for the dramatic, after all.

Byron wanted to chase after her but decided against it. With Piper, it was always better to let her cool down before approaching her again. How unfortunate for him. He had some fun planned for the rest of the night. Since they were already at the Snowtel, he had considered booking a room for them to relax in.

He thought about what she had said about suffering from passion. He could empathize with that.

Byron grabbed Piper's glass and gulped down the remnants of her drink. Perhaps she was right. Yes, he would do the right thing and tell Nita. He would even give her the antidote for free.

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